...although it appears that next week's episode will be the deciding one.
Please, Bob'ika, please don't wuss out on me. Not now when you're doing so well...
...and are also so frakking adorable. Have you seen his design yet?
The Clone Wars version of Fett'ika's just so cute. In a murderously grumpy, eventually bad-ass kind of way, of course. Which, come on, is the best way, is it not?
Yeah. It's a good start. Now they just have to make their way through the season finale without getting all shabla. (Not that I'm in any way ready to forgive them for destroying continuity and breaking my heart and concocting that travesty called Duchess Satine and her New Mandalorian asswipes. But not screwing up Fett would be a good start towards "marching back." We'll see.)
Actually, the one I'm disappointed in right now is Aurra Sing. Leave them to "drift off in space" to a slow and not-at-all-certain doom? Please. This woman eats Jedi Knights for breakfast. She so knows better. She'd have slotted all three kids right there, or at least vaped the pod as soon as she shut the sirlock. Come on now...
...BUT they have yet to mess up my Fett, so I won't be complaining about Aurra's plot-contrivance slip-up. She is overconfident, after all, so I'll let that one slide. Even if it was a really stupid, rookie move on her part. Whatever, at least Fett can now learn the lesson for the future: if you're gonna shoot, shoot. Don't rely on fading life support to do your job for you.
Of course, the only problem now is that keeping my fingers crossed for an entire week would rather impede all the drawing I so desperately need to be doing. Well, ni vercopaani...