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Sep 15, 2008 16:11

Losing Faith

By: Becka Cantrell

Episode 1: Discovery

*The morning starts to shine through the window of a man’s room.  You can tell it belongs to a man because the room is a complete mess.  The sleeping figure rolls away from the light and continues sleeping.  An older woman walks in the room and starts nudging the sleeping body*

Woman: Ryo! …Ryo wake up!  It’s 9 in the morning! …

*the sleeping figure continues sleeping but makes grumbling noises in protest*

Woman: ><’  Ryo!  You get out of this bed or I’ll send in reinforcement!!!

Ryo: *still not moving*

Woman: Ugh!  Forget it!  Stay in bed all day if I care!

Ryo: *rolls over and continue sleeping*

*You hear footsteps coming up the stairs and a girl with pink curly hair tied up in a ponytail, wearing blue jean shorts, a green t-shirt, and black converse jumps on Ryo’s bed*

Girl: Ryyyoooo!!!  Wake up Ryo!!!”*she starts jumping on his bed to wake up him*  You better wake up or your mom is going to kill me!

Ryo: Grrr ok, ok!  I’m up!  Get off my bed Kassandra! *he slowly sits up in bed and looks at her.  His blonde hair is shaggy in front of his face and he scratches his facial hair.  He isn’t wearing a shirt and you can see he has a tattoo on his left peck that resembles a nautical star*

Kassandra: Ohh I hope you won’t be mad at me!  I only did it to help your mom! *she pouts and looks at him as she sits at the end of his bed*

Ryo: *He looks at her and sighs* Unfortunately I can never be mad at you…

Kassandra: Yay!! *She hugs him and gets off his bed* Alrighty, you hurry up and get ready because I’m taking you out to the park!

Ryo: *He looks at her with a puzzled look* What for?

Kassandra: Because I want you to have a fun day!  I want you to forget about whatsherface! ><’

Ryo: …o_o …>_<’’*glares at her, lays back down and puts the pillow over his face*

Kassandra: -_-‘ Oops…

*the scene changes to Kassandra and Ryo walking in the park. Ryo has changed into a black tank and baggy blue jeans with black converse.  He has also spiked his hair up out of his face*

Kassandra: Sooo, how are you holding up?

Ryo: *looks at her from the corner of his eye* I thought you were bringing me here so that I would forget about her.

Kassandra: Oh! ;_; Sorry!  I guess I’m not much help.

Ryo: …Yeah.

Kassandra: *sighs and looks around* How about I go get some ice cream!

Ryo: *looks at the ice cream vendor and nods* You go do that.

Kassandra: *skips away to get ice cream*

Ryo: *stops walking as he comes to a fountain in the middle of the park and lays down on the edge of it looking into the clear blue sky and sighs* Yukara…what could I have done to make you happy?

*a streak of light runs across the sky, like a shooting star*

Ryo: …A falling star? …In the middle of the day? *he sits up and watches it fall into the city* That’s not  just a falling star at all, it’s a meteor! *he jumps up and runs to see the impact*

*everyone in the city seems to not notice the meteor that Ryo saw*

Ryo: *looks at the people’s reactions and isn’t impressed* Hmm, that’s odd.  If a meteor fell near here, wouldn’t people have felt it? *he looks back up to the sky and notices the smoke trail the tail left behind and sees the alley that it fell in.  He heads to the alley*

*The alley is full of smoke like a cloud of fog*

Ryo: *coughs and covers his nose and mouth as he walks into the smoke*

*the smoke slowly clears to reveal a small crater*

Ryo: Wow! *he leans over the edge of the crater and notices that feathers are falling like raindrops around him and falling into the crater*

*the smokes clears to reveal a figure silhouetted in feathers and blood*

Ryo: *leans closer and sees what looks like a woman with one wing* …No way… *he climbs into the crater and slowly approaches the bloody and feathery figure*

*the feathers move with every gust of wind and the figure starts to move*

Ryo: *stops moving toward it as the figure begins to sit up*

*the figure appears to be a woman with aqua and dark blue hair that falls below her shoulders. Her clothing is torn and burnt and her wing conceals her enough.  She has deep wounds and burns on the arms, legs, and a deep gash across her forehead and down her right cheek.  She opens her eyes and they are a beautiful aqua blue color*

Ryo: *he stands with his mouth hanging open in disbelief* Is…is she a fallen angel?

*the girl begins to stand and her wing continues to wrap around her and she looks at Ryo*

Girl: Who…who are you?

Ryo: *it takes him a minute to respond because he’s still in disbelief* M-My name is Ryo… Who…or what are you?

Girl: *her eyes search his body as she stands in silence*

Ryo: This is new… a girl checking me out… Well, if she’s even a girl…

Girl: You are not the one I seek…

Ryo: *sighs* Apparently I have that affect on women.

Girl: *she looks at him and she screams in pain as she falls to one knee and hunches forward*

Ryo: O_O What the hell?!

Girl: *a wing emerges from her back and it is sticky with blood.  The wing is that of a bat.  She slowly stands and opens her eyes.  The white of her left eye has changed to black and her iris has changed from aqua to white*

Ryo: *takes a step back* I’m going to take it, that’s bad.

*suddenly the girl is thrown into the wall of the alley and she falls to the ground and her wings disappear back into her back*

Ryo: *turns around to see a man who looks the same age as himself, has short white, spiked hair, orange eyes, and is wearing long black pants and a loose white long-sleeved shirt that is open in the front.  He is standing with his left hand aimed at the girl*

Boy: *lowers his arm* You…protect Mirai. *he turns to walk away and seems to disappear into thin air*

Ryo: Wh-what the hell was THAT?

Girl: Uhhh *she slowly sits up and holds her head* Wh-where am I?

Ryo: *turns back to her*

Girl: *looks at him* Oh yeah…

Ryo: So…Mirai? *takes a step toward her*

Girl: *stands slowly and holds her right arm* How did you know my name?

Ryo: The guy with white hair and orange eyes told me.

Girl: Damn you Aranki…why would you do this to me?

Ryo: …*takes another few steps* He also said to protect you.  But from the look of you, I’m not doing a good job so far.

Mirai: I don’t need a babysitter.  Leave me alone. *she walks past him*

Ryo: You really shouldn’t walk around this place alone. *he turns to see that she has stopped* Especially with those wounds.

Mirai: *turns to look at him with a furious look on her face that makes him shudder* I told you I don’t need a babysitter!  Now leave me alo-! *her eyes start to close and she turns very pale as she begins to faint*

Ryo: o_o! *catches her before she hits the ground and picks her up* Oh man…mom is going to kill me.

*the scene changes again to Ryo’s room and he places Mirai on his bed*

Kassandra: *is bouncing behind Ryo*  Who is that?!  What happened to her?!  Why is she bleeding?!?!

Ryo: Kass please! I don’t know her!  I just found her in an alley and thought she could use some help!  Go tell mom to find the first aid kit!

Kassandra: *runs downstairs and both her and his mom come back upstairs with the first aid kit*

Ryo’s mom: You had better have a good explanation young man! *she begins to clean up Mirai’s wounds*

Ryo: *laughs* I really don’t have one, I just happened to come across her in the alley and thought she shouldn’t be in an alley alone or wounded for that matter.  I did hear her say that her name was Mirai…

Kassandra: Mirai? Huh, that’s different!

Ryo: *rolls his eyes and looks at her*

Ryo’s mom: *bandages her wounds and Mirai stirs in her unconsciousness*

Kassandra: Hey Ryo, I gotta go to work.  Call me when you figure out more about this Mirai girl! *leaves*

Ryo: *nods but doesn’t answer because he’s watching Mirai*

Ryo’s mom: *leaves the room quietly and looks back at the two before she shuts the door*

*the night passes and in the morning birds are chirping outside*

Ryo: *knocks on his door quietly and opens it slowly to find Mirai isn’t in his bed.  He slowly walks in to see her standing in front of the window with the bed sheet around her body loosely*

Mirai: *doesn’t seem to notice him come in the room because she’s watching the birds*

Ryo: *watches her as he closes the door* Huh, I didn’t notice those scars before… *she has two huge scars along each shoulder blade.  She also has many other scars and bruises* I wonder how she got all those scars.  She must have been through something big… *he looks her up and down and blushes when he figures out he’s checking out a girl wearing nothing but a bed sheet*

Mirai: *turns her head and then her body slowly* Clothes…

Ryo: *realizes she’s talking to him and snaps out of it* What?

Mirai: Where are they?

Ryo: o_O?  What?  They?  Clothes?  OH!  Your clothes!  Mom is washing them actually. *he smirks and looks at her*

Mirai: -_- So I’m supposed to wait around in a bed sheet all day?

Ryo: o///o Oh!  Um… *looks around his room and points to his dresser* I have clothes in there.  Obviously they won’t be girl clothes but at least it will be something.

Mirai: *looks him up and down*

Ryo:  Again with the checking me out thing.  Well… I guess I did just check her out.

Mirai: *makes her way to the dresser and starts rummaging through it for something to wear.  She pulls out some jean shorts and a white t-shirt*

Ryo: *lays on his bed and looks up at the ceiling*

Mirai: *looks at him cautiously and turns from him as she starts to put the clothes on*

Ryo: *waits until she’s done before he looks at her.  He sits up on the edge of the bed* So…now what?

Mirai: *looks at him*  You should really change your clothes… You’re covered in my blood.  And you smell awful.

Ryo: -_- Ah, that explains why she kept checking me out.  *he lets out a small and quiet laugh as he looks at her*

Mirai: *watches him with untrusting eyes* I don’t see anything funny about that.

Ryo: Maybe we should start over.  My name’s Ryo Parker.  *he stands up and holds out his hand to her*

Mirai: *she looks at him and doesn’t say anything at first* My name is Mirai Williams…

Ryo: *smiles* Well Mirai Williams, I’m pleased to meet you.

[End of episode 1]

losing faith

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