Dec 02, 2007 18:37
Using my 10-year-old dvtape camera, and the resident capture card on my computer, I made a bad 8-9 minute movie.
I filmed it on Saturday, starting at my house, driving down the street, and then at work. It's really bad; I know, for sure, that I'll never be an actor. Plus, I did it all off the top of my head- a very scary place indeed.
But it gave some good practice (about 8 hours worth) on Premiere and Audition 3.0.
And my 10-year-old camera? Wow. It's on it's last legs. And with the tape transport noise it makes now, that makes me rethink some of the possibilities for a new camera. Do I want to use DVtape? Or go with the drive? Which is quieter? And most importantly, which could I AFFORD?
The movie does a dual purpose- learning for me, and an example for my bosses at work of what could be done with a bad camera, good software, and some time. We'll see where it goes from here.