Oh software, Thou dost cost me much!

Nov 12, 2007 21:02

I'm getting real software for my new computer. No piratey goodness, not dubbedy decadence. Real not-so-honest-but-still-goodness paid money to get it software.

Not honest? Sure it's honest. Oh, it might be a few more years until my daughter gets fully up-to-speed on the software we bought for her at the educational discount, but by golly her DAD will be up to speed and can teach her.

That being said...I've got Adobe CS3 Master Collection for video production and (eventual) book publishing/print editing; I've got Microsoft Office Pro 2007 for writing and database voodoo (the knowledge of that voodoo of which I am but an egg); and, tonight I just ordered Adobe Audition 3.0. It's an audio editing suite that's friggin' awesome. I work on Adobe Audtion 1.0 back at the radio ranch, and also on my old Win2K computer. By end of week, Prodzilla should be loaded for digital bear.

I've already dubbed a family video, and a video of "Xmas Marks the Spot!" into Prodzilla. Unfortunately, it's mp2- so not the greatest quality. However, at least it's IN THERE, and I can funk around with it in Adobe Premiere (and probably other programs, gawd help me figure them out!). I want to use Audtion 3.0 to work over the audio; XMTS! needs some help audio-wise.

Next purchase- a true digital camcorder. That should about wrap up the up-to-datedeyness of my technical arsenal.

THEN: Figure out how to make money with all this seriously cool sh*t! Uh...anybody need to make a movie?? ;P

PS- my extra copy (not home-made copy, this is the real deal) of Adobe CS3 Master Collection is still for sale. Or I might trade it for a cool scooter (big enough to transport 250 pounds of finely marbled man meat). Or a 1955 Plymouth, if you have a spare one. Lemme know.
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