May 02, 2008 17:40
School is not for me. I'm taking a year off of college. No more cheerleading, no more sorority. I'm trying to get a job, but I feel like a mess. The only thing that's keeping me sane is my boyfriend. I can't believe how long it took for all the tradgedy to finally effect me, and it's taking longer to go away. I'm terrible with money, too. That's not going to be good if I end up not being able to go back to school. I didn't think that was an option until my mom kept bringing it up that she never went to college and she's been working hard since she was 16. I'm not my mom, I want to be able to use what I have and my talents to actually DO something. Not own a maid service or sell houses. That's not what I want to look forward to.