Apr 19, 2005 16:08
i hate my lil' brother nick... he is so freakin annoying... we got in a dang fist fight today when i got home from school.. and all he kept sayin was touch me and i will punch you in the face... i dont understand where all that anger comes from... certaintly not our h0use.. mayB it is his school... idk tho... he is just not the same... and he is just so different... and he's always a faggot about eVeRyThInG!gosh... he needs counseling or somethin... i think that he has anger managment problems... w/e... obviously God put him on this Earth for somethin.. but sometimes it is really hard for me to see what that plan is.... but anyways... today in chorus we had solo auditions.. i think i bombed them... but idk...we had testing today and i felt like i was in 3rd grade it was so easy... but this drama stuff between my friends has just gotta stop...i am in the middle of it and they are always sayin what did she say.. what did she say back... and i dont even kno what it is about and neither does one of my other friends...but idk... everything just seems hopeless... but i kno that's not true at all cuz God is working in my life and it will be okay.. cuz even if you can't see God you know that He is there... ok.. im out