Jan 23, 2005 21:29
ok yestrday i was relly bored but i jus waited cuz i knew i was goin to the evrblades game tht night. i could only invite 2 ppl so wilson an santi came with but my cuz came too...tht was sooo much fun the game was awesome they won 5-3 an we got free bobbleheads. my cuzin got a t-shirt from a star of the game...so we got home an we watched van wilder an played video games an poker....wilson won....thn we went to sleep.....so we wake up at like 12 lol an santi had to leave erly.....thn we played poker again for a $25 giftcard to target lol...i won this time yessssss.....so thn we played more video games an jus hung out an wilson left about 5?? id on kno relly....so once he left we sat around wtchin football an thn my mom took my cuzn home....thn i got invited to the beach but i couldnt go cuz my dad wouldnt take me gayyy. so once evry1 got home i was tlkin online an i guess som ppl are pissd at me??? not too sure.....w/e .....now im wtchin the patriots-steeler game an patriots are losin 34-20 (ther gonna lose)....wait chng tht now its 41-20.....whatevr i guess ill go to school an see whos pisssd at me and y .... ........w/e im goin to bed