Mar 30, 2004 14:05
"How happy is the blameless Vestal's lot! The world
forgetting, by the world forgot: Eternal
sunshine of the spotless mind! Each
prayer accepted, and each wish resign'd".
My father was slaughtered by a six- fingered man. He was a great swordmaker, my father. And when the six-fingered man appeared and requested a special sword, my father took the job. He slaved a year before he was done.
Even now, this still brings pain.
The six-fingered man returned and demanded it, but at one-tenth his promised price. My father refused. Without a word, the six-fingered man slashed him through the heart. I loved my father, so, naturally, challenged his murderer to a duel ... I failed ... the six-fingered man did leave me alive with the six-fingered sword, but he gave me these.
(He toucbes his scars.)