1) Reply to this post, and I will pick six of your icons.
2) Make a post and talk about the icons I chose.
3) Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4) This will create a never-ending cycle of icon squee. Whoo!
My user name/nick name. My aunt nicknamed me Potato, and this is one of the many variations. Tater for Potato and Mae from another nickname (Caitie-Mae)
Also, i like how it looks. To me, it could be a funky flower, OR (the one i like best) is it looks like 4 Mario Ghosts floating around a thing in the centre. But the first thing i thought of was OMG MARIO GHOSTS! =D
Ah, Standoff. How I love you. (As soon as you come out on DVD, i'm so buying you.) But yes. Standoff. Emily. This was right after and her sekrit!boyfriend!partner! and her just made sekrit!plans. She's so cute and swoony, how could i NOT love this icon?
Ah, SGA. Elizabeth. Elizabeth being worried about her people. One of many reasons why i love her. But i did like how it was cropped and the colouring and its all around awesomeness.
Doctor Who. Hand Holding. Need I say more?
Twilight. Edward and Bella. They're always looking at each other. Its hot. Well... he's hotter, but the eye!sex is good.
Pushing Daisies!!! And Chuck's quote is just so true. I love hugs. And i love Chuck and Ned. And I love Pushing Daisies.
Bones. Tempe and Ang being all cute (and I think High). I love it when they get to be bff.
Breakfast at Tiffanys. Holly Golightly with a drink! Its my 'alcoholic' icon. Plus, she's pretty and crazy and sweet. i luff her.
SGA. Bwa. RPF too (if you swing that way. Which i totally do.) Its just fun. and its a random grope icon. and lord knows i love me some groping.
SGA. FORD. i love ford. (And he's still totally alive in my version of SGA. The GOOD version.) I like the cropping and the colour. its a neat icon. Also, Rainbow is pretty!
House. OMG this ep was AWESOME. and Lisa? And her legs. just holy frakkin crap woman, you're amazing. (Also? this icon is all about FANGIRLING AND CAPSLOCK. HOW COULD I RESIST??? OH, I COULDN'T!!)
Anna Popplewell. She's my newest girlcrush. AND she's younger, which i think is a first. But she seems so sweet and down to earth and amazing. I really liked her portrayal of Susan in the Narnia series. (even though I haven't read the books yet, i think Susan is my favourite so far, and i know for a fact that she's under-appreciated in the books, considering what i know of the Last Battle).