It's that time again...

Jun 07, 2007 12:57

When i SPAM my flist!!!! and PIMP out my SHOWZ!!!!!

First, the Good News: JERICHO is most likely being renewed!!!! YAYZ!!!!!!!!! BUT that doesn't mean you can all go home! NO! It means the EXACT OPPOSITE!!! Now more than ever (except for before)  JERICHO needs your help! We have to make sure the ratings stay good and up and everything!!! so if you are at all interested in JERICHO, or making me one of the HAPPIEST FANGIRLS EVAR!!! please please watch it! and check out for old (and new?) eps!!!

now, the REALLY important News: STANDOFF!!!!! If any of you love me even the slightest bit, PLEASE tune in tomorrow night!!! As much as i love JERICHO, I love STANDOFF 10xmore. I really really REALLY don't want this show to get cancelled!!! It makes my shipper heart fill with GLEE with EACH and EVERY episode!!! THIS SHOW makes relationships within a show work!!!! AND he's so silly and dorky and full of love!!! and she's so pretty, and smart, and silly and great and i luff her. AND GINA TORRES IS IN IT!!!! that's right, people. ZOE from FIREFLY!!! she's Da Boss!!!!  And she's AWESOME!!!! but that's not really all that surprising.  But seriously. You know what i said about helping me be a happy fangirl up there? If i lose this show, that will never happen ever again. cuz this show makes it work!!! and that's practicallly impossible!!! its a good show!!!! fox just hates fans everywhere (do i need to mention firelfy? or Wonderfalls?)

so please please please watch STANDOFF Friday night on Fox. Or at least pretend to like i am - I have to work. Otherwise you KNOW i'd plant my ass in front of the tv screen and flail. BUT, because i'm full of supa!spyness! i am tricking Fox into THINKING that i'm watching it in realtime - i'm leaving my tv on. Hopefully that will boost its ratings a smidge.

but a smidge won't do it, people. I need your help. So please, help!

standoff, jericho, pimp, fangirly

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