um... so, on monday, i got to work (somewhat late-ish but not really... I try to make it for 8am, but usually end up at my desk closer to 830ish - WHAT? Traffic sucks. and maybe i should start going to be earlier than 1am... but whatever. shut up....)
So. I text Boss and am all, 'am going to be late! sorry!!' and she's all, 'J wants to see you when you get here? can you make it for 830?'
and then i'm FREAKING THE FUCK OUT. I kept thinking, 'oh shit, what did i do? what didn't i do? fuck fuck fuckfuckfuck'. right? typical response, right?
So we bust our asses to get to work, and I forgo coffee and book it upstairs, and i'm all, OK OK I'M HERE, WHERE IS SHE? but not like that exactly. i'm calm, but rushed. so Boss points me in the right direction, and I go see J...
and L got let go.
it was kind of a shock. like, we had all kinda mentioned it before in our many rants against him, but... i didn't expect this. However, he was stressed a lot of the time, and the job kept him away from his family, and... he just... he wasnt' well suited for this. thats what J even said. She said that he was a great guy and everything, but it wasn't working out, not from a business standpoint, and this was nothing against him, it was always about the job.
and like, its been pretty good, actually. Nice and quiet. Well, J has now kinda moved into L's old office, just to look after us and everything - and let me tell you - my Dept is trying to behave. One of the girls joked about us becoming one of the quietest depts on the floor, and I laughed and said no.
because i can't. theres no way in hell that I could ever try and do that. I'm still me. I can't be anything but. I mean, i kinda try to tone myself down and everything, but... a leopard can't hid its spots. So... like, a crazy person can't really hide their crazy.
As my woman once put it, me trying to be normal and hiding my crazy is like trying to hide and elephant under a rug. (thanks
skullycat <3)
OOH! Speaking of my Woman, i've got some vacay time left, so i'm gonna spend a few days on the island and visit my Other Family in Nov! Actually, i kinda planned it so i'd be around for Bowynn's First Bday. (cuz i'm an Amazingly Awesome Auntie. like, that's just fact).
In other news... i'm totally loving Terra Nova. I don't care if people think its lame or whatever, I'm totally enjoying it. me and
timeblindhave great fangirl gchat's about it. its awesome.
um... still totally obsessed with Spencer Smith, because he makes my life better. no, honestly, he does. he's just... well, i've seen this around to describe him before - Flawless.
its really hard to disagree with such an apt description.
um... what else what else what else??
i'm going out this friday with my Threeeos and Steve. Next Saturday i've got 2 bday parties to go to.
um um um... i dunno. i don't lead a very exciting life...
BUuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut i hope all is well with everyone!!! i love everyone and miss you and as;ldkfja;lsdkjfa;sdflkja