Hi Everyone!
Happy New Year!!!
i'll do a rl update later. right now, its squee time (as I wait for my sis to pick me up from work)
-Steve being SuperSEAL yet again at his place. (Hello, he was kicking ass before he got distracted and got stunned!)
-Danny being all Man-Wifey with Steve (ice pack, stealing a candy from the fridge, security system {i don't want to be a nag, but i told you after the General Pak thing...!!!!!}, etc)
-The Team being all Team-y and concerned about Steve!! (and them all knowing about the CHAMP box. it made me happy!!)
-MARY-ANN McGARRETT!!! seriously, i love this woman. I love all the women in this show. they're fricking awesome!!
-GOV. JAMESON!! she's so bad-ass. seriously. 'I've never known a Navy Man who couldn't find a lady a beer' "I'll get you a glass" "eh" (seriously, Gov. You rock my world!!!) She's the REAL Governator in my books!
-"I have a number for you for a therapist. WALK up the stairs like a normal person" Seriously, Danny. I love you so so much.
-"Danny?" "Yes, Steven?" <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
-Danny Fish-hooking that punk! "The Williams Family Favourite!"
(ok, so i'm a half-japanese canadian, and my sis was all, why are japanese ppl always evil in shows? and i'm all, dude, we teamed up with the Germans. and she shakes her head and is all, you make ONE mistake... i thought it was funny. BUT i would like to point out that not all Japanese ppl are evil. or Yakuza. just sayin)
-KONO!! BEING ALL BAMF. seriously, this woman just keeps getting more and more awesome with each and every ep. I love that she caught the garbage before it got away. and before that, she was herding 3 baddies out. She's totally going to OWN hawaii one day. <3
-I love Chin. I feel like he didn't get to do very much, but i'll have to re-watch it JUST to make sure. (and not because i'm some obsessive fangirl)
-as much as i love the Banter-y Car Scenes, i love how Steve was all broody and "this is MY Fault" *woobies* and Danny was there, being the Supportive Partner and "Think Positive! It'll all be ok (baby), don't worry. we'll find your sister, and get her back, and everything will be all right!" Seriously, these two are such Man-Wives.
Yeah, i'll have to do a re-watch. Cuz I know i didn't get everything I loved about this episode...
i really need some icons