Misfits Love!!!

Jul 05, 2010 16:43

I am somewhat obsessed with Misfits. I can't help it. I love it soooooooooooo much. I can't wait for series 2 to start!!!! i want it noooooooooow!!!

I love Nathan, and Kelly, and they were TOTALLY going to hook up but stupid Virtue bitch stopped that from happening when she re-virtue'd Curtis (and those other ppl). They totally like each other. I mean, yeah, Nathan keeps thinking of 'shagging' her, but still. Its MORE than that!! He actually LIKES her. He tried to have a heart to heart with her, and even SAID that he liked her when she was all cardigan'd up! (well, he didn't like her like THAT, he wanted her to be the old her, not the virtue'd her)

They're actually friends - they're always having little heart to heart moments with each other. Like when she was bald, or when she cooked him dinner and got him to sort of talk about his dad (but not really - still, i don't think he'd be that honest with Alisha or Curtis or Simon), or when they were having pizza and she told him to be nicer to Simon.

AND AND AND, when she WAS bald (before they found out), he was concerned about her! He noticed that there was something wrong! He WORRIED about her!!! yes, i am a shipper. and don't get me wrong, i like Curtis and Alisha too (as they ARE canon, and HOW funny was it when curtis tried to break up with his semi-current gf like 6 times but couldn't because she kept crying!! OH CURTIS. i kind of adore you. who am i kidding. i kind of adore everyone. even Simon. less so when he's being creepy, but still. i <3 Simon!!!!!!), but i guess because N&K haven't gotten together yet i want them to BE together more? and with Curtis and Alisha, they PHSYICALLY can't be together, so its.. more difficult? i think they are super cute tho. which leaves poor simon, but he's more like a 'Mark' character. (Mark from Rent, who didn't end up with anyone because it was Mark/Vids, as it is Simon/Vids). Still. Kelly totally has a crush on Nathan. and Nathan totally likes Kelly. so they just need to hook up already in series 2. for seriously. unless they want to be full of angst or something. (maybe Kelly is with someone else by the time they find Nathan? i find that highly unlikely, as series 2 is supposed to pick up right where series 1 left off. SHUT UP, JUST BECAUSE I RESEARCHED IT! for buddah's sake! {fyi, instead of saying oh my god and stuff like that, i'm now going to say oh my buddah. its a joke from Canada Day} anyway... moving on....)

but yeah. Misfits is AWESOME. kinda like Breakfast Club meets Heroes meets... something else maybe? (Skins? i've never seen it, but the comparison is always Skins meets Heroes). Even though they're all kind of criminals. But Curtis is definitely the Athlete, Alisha is the Princess, Simon is the Brain, but i guess Nathan would be the Basket Case and Kelly would be the Criminal (just because she's tougher than Nathan. Nathan would be the Jerk, or the Loud Mouth, if there were such a caste. Alison wasn't loud, she was just crazy. but i guess that kind of applies to Nathan too).

And i suppose that if Misfits is going to be my new thing, I'll have to be prepared to let go of my fave characters, as the Brits like to change things up every once in a while.

(Also? I'd like to point out that I don't hate Matt Smith as the new doc. I wasn't sure about him before, but I realize now why i don't want to watch the new series of Who. Its because i don't really have anyone to watch it with. Who was fun, and funny, and heartwrenching and great, but I watched it with kepp0xy , and THAT'S part of the reason why i loved it so much. and now she's not here, and i just... don't have the desire. I'm sure Matt Smith does a GREAT job as 11, but... i dunno. I miss having a person to watch it with and squee about it, and cry and go on and on throughout the night about it with. {i'm sure that sentence was grammatically incorrect, but i don't care} so I'm not trying to be a hater, but, without my Who Buddy, i just don't want to watch it.)

teevee, doctor who, geek!post, fangirl, misfits

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