Prince of Persia Squee-Fest

Jun 15, 2010 11:50

ok ok ok.

so... i may have watched Prince of Persia more than once. But I'm addicted!! Its a good movie (and it makes me melty in good ways!!) and Jake G is... hot. and omg his arms. and the way that i pretend that it really is him doing all the jumps and flippys and awesome stuff like that. dastan is dreamy. (and he's kind of like aladdin!! going from street rat to prince!!! HEE!!)

and tamina!! seriously, i totes love her. She's not a damsel in distress, but she's not PERFECT. like, yes, she can handle a sword, but she's not GREAT. and she's witty, and she's verbally abusive and... seriously. i think she's awesome. I must admit, i wasn't sure about her from the trailers (even though everyone else seemed to love her), but it wasn't until i actually SAW her in the movie. from the clips i thought she was going to be a somewhat spoiled princess who turned out to be ok in the end. but she was just awesome from start to finish. she got shit done.

and seriously, them together is why i love the movie so much. They are why I can forgive the whole family before and after thing - where Garsiv seems like a total dickhead to Dastan, and then is all OMG YOU MOFO, YOU KILLED MY FATHER!!!!! and didn't even give him a CHANCE to explain. it was like, he was guilty, the end. but then after trying to kill him a couple times, Dastan DID explain, and then Garsiv believed him, but died anyway. and then when time rebooted, it was like they were BFFFFFFFFFFFFFF. when it totally didn't seem like that AT ALL at the beginning of the movie. (but maybe Garsiv was just crankypants and usually they're all good with each other).

Also? Nazim totally had his hooks in Tus from a young age. that whole scene when Daddy is scolding Tus and then Tus looks to Nazim and Daddy is all, DON'T DO THAT!!!!  AND AND AND Tus - who SEEMED like the more sensible brother - ALSO just accepted that his adopted brother killed his father from the robe that TUS GAVE HIM HIMSELF!!! like... seriously. you didn't think hey, that's strange. you immediately thought 'OMG HE MUST HAVE POISONED IT!!!!!!' seriously? them boys need to grow some brains. AND AND AND, what's with Tus being all, If i can't have the Princess, NO ONE CAN!!! YOU MUST KILL HER FOR ME!!! that was kind of eff'd up. just saying.

you know what really made that movie for me though? Sheik Amar and Seso and the Ostrich Racing. That was effing awesome. Seso (who died so honourably  and amazingly) was the one who TOTALLY SAVED THE DAY BECAUSE WITHOUT HIM, THEY WOULD HAVE FAILED, PROBABLY! and Sheik Amar who loved telling the story of the Ngbaka... man. They were awesome.

But yeah. Dastan and Tamina and their bantering... so good. Seriously, i think my most favourite scene in that movie was right before they go to Tus so that Dastan can prove to him with the Dagger, when she's all, I don't think you should do this, and he's all, is that concern? and she's all, no, and he's all, yeah it is! and she's all, no, and he's all, you used to be a better liar, and TOUCHES HER FACE SO GENTLY AND LOVINGLY!!! it seriously kills me. it slays me like a big lovey thing. i am such a sucker when it comes to tender moments like that simple touches that mean the world, and his whole, i promise this isn't the last time we'll be together. seriously. that scene did it for me. i mean, don't get me wrong, from the start with the bickering was awesome, but his look when he was touching her face and just... being awesome and everything? it gets me every single time (and let me tell you, i rewatch that scene quite a bit, because i can, because its awesome). i also like the part when he kills himself to prove to Tus, and her look and cry of anguish, because its HEARTBREAKING!!!! and i dunno. i just like that scene, because she totally loves him, and she watches him die, and even though she's PRETTY SURE he'll come back (he PROMISED) she still watches. she didn't have to. she could have looked away, but she watches him die. and i dunno. in a weird way, i guess that's kinda romantic. I could not be that brave. Although, he has to watch her die to, which is also angsty and heartbreaking and romantic.

AND OMG WHEN HE SEES HER AGAIN FOR THE FIRST TIME AFTER HE SEES HER DIE? AMAZING! i love the way he looks at her, the breath of air he takes, its just... i don't have words. it makes me melty. then again when they're outside, and he holds out his hand to her, and the look of LOVE RADIATING FROM HIS EYES!!!! seriously. i kind of love this movie. and i totes need to own it.

prince of persia, geek!post, fangirl, movies

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