Kinda glad the weekend is over...

May 03, 2010 17:10

sometimes i hate the backspace button. you have something all nicely written out, then BAM!

its gone.

But i guess that's what you get when you're not paying COMPLETE ATTENTION or something.


so this weekend was Moving Weekend!

not for me, though. for 2 of my bffs. Sarah (and her bf Nick) moved out of their place on Friday, and Drew (and Kyle) moved out of their place on saturday (to different places).

so, on my MUCH DESERVED day off, i woke up at a reasonable hour - maybe even an UNreasonable hour, considering it was my day off - and helped my Person move. I've got an SUV (2009 Subaru Forrester), so there's plenty of room to put stuff, once i've put the backseats down. so anyway.

I picked up some coffee for myself and a couple others. When i got to her place, pretty much EVERYTHING they wanted to take with them was all packed up and ready to go. Sarah had her Mom's SUV, my car, and her friend Anna's Ford F150 Truck. it took us about 2 trips each that day to get all her stuff (minus her bed and her cats) to her new place. 2 trips and 3 hours, i think. But they couldn't get in until noon-ish anyway, and I was at her place at 10. But we had to load all the vehicles, and we cleaned up a lot.

then around 3 i had to go and do some tax stuff, but i got back around 330-4 ish, and then Sarah, Anna and I went to drop off Sarah's Mom's SUV, and we had a wee chat with her. By this time its... almost 5 I think, and all of us hadn't eaten, so we called the boys (Nick and Anna's bf Travis) to tell them to meet us at Original Joes for dinner.

So we had dinner, and then we got some booze, went back to the old place, and chilled out there. It was a good time. It was kinda neat, since there was NO furniture except for in the rooms we weren't in. we played cards, and a couple of 'mind games', and then Nick was fed up, and brought the tv from the bedroom into the den. it was pretty fun. 

On saturday, I woke up feeling a little sore in my shoulders, but nothing too bad. I slept in quite a bit - so much that my sister went grocery shopping to make our brekkie. She made us grilled cheese, eggs, tomato & bacon sandwiches for brekkie. SOOOOOOOOOOO yummy. Then we started watching the first season of Weeds, and then i had to go help Drew.

So i get to Drews, and Kyle's band of helpers were just about to leave with all his stuff. So i got to say hi to them before they left.

Drew didn't have TOO much stuff. it took My SUV, his dad's truck, Ryan's SUV, his car, and Amber's car - and that was EVERYTHING except his bed. (and the stuff he took over the day before...)

But yeah, it was a little sad, and kinda nostalgic. The big couches were gone, so we saw some confetti from New Years... that was a good time.

ANYWAY. So After we loaded all the vehicles, Drew and his dad went to finish signing papers and everything, and Jamieson and I went to get slurpees and pop, and Ryan&Amber went to get some lunch. After we ran our errands, we headed out to Drew's place. I made Jamieson drive, since I didn't want too, and we weren't using his car, so I thought he could be helpful.

Moving Drew didn't take that long either. Even though we had to lug all his stuff up at least 2 flights of stairs. I didn't do too badly, considering i'm all anti-exercise. and it was kinda funny too, since... well, everything I did, it was a Pink Job. and if i needed a guy to do something, it was a Blue Job. But i guess the guys haven't really heard me use these terms before, so the first thing that came to mind when that, it was "Blew Job". and then I had to explain, no its the colours. I can't remember who started it, but I think i first heard that from my Cousin Kim - if something is a Boy Job, its a Blue Job. If something is a Girl Job, its a Pink Job. I was using the terms at Sarah's, and she understood. I had to explain it to one of her friends that was helping us, but he doesn't really know me, so that was ok.

But anyway. So, after we had everything out of our cars, the guys went back to pick up Drew's bed, while Amber and I had the task of organizing Drew's stuff. basically, we got to set up his place. it was fun. At first, we had one side of the room full, and the other side not so much, so it felt off balance. But then we centred it, and it looked MUCH better.

As for his kitchen... We tried out best. We had to think about where everything SHOULD go - what would be easiest for him. All in all, i think we did a pretty good job.

After we got his stuff all settled, and his bed was in his room, and his bed was made, and his hang-up clothes were in his closet, we were off back into Richmond!

Ryan and Jamieson had a game, so Amber went home for a bit, I dropped of Jamieson at his car (at drew's old place) then went home for a bit, Drew went to Ryan's to watch the hockey game.

After Episode 2 of Weeds, I got a call from Drew saying that he and Amber were on their way to the icerink for dinner. so off i went. The three of us ate dinner, and showed up at Ryan and Jamieson's game partway through the 2nd period, and they were getting their asses kicked. Then Jamieson got in a fight, and Ryan got in a fight, and Ryan lipped off the ref, so he got kicked out, as well as one of the other star players on the team... it was brutal.

Drew had to go after dinner, as he had a Rollerhockey game (with Kyle), and Amber and I watched the hockey game with our friends Jake, Angie, and Cori (who is Andrew's gf, and Andrew is on Ryan and Jamieson's hockey team). So. After their defeat, the guys met up with us in the lobby of the rink, and everyone except for Andrew&Cori, and Jamieson, went to Drew and Kyle's rollerhockey game, where they KICKED ass.

Jamieson showed up after the game was over, and we all decided that we'd go to Boston Pizza to hang out (like the old days). Kyle didn't come, as he was tired from moving that day, and he'd just finished rollerhockey, and he just wanted to chill in his new place.

So we get there, and since i was still full from dinner, i just had water. (also, i'm broke). Then i called Kieran and made him come out to see us, since he'd bailed on me on friday, when we sorta had plans. He had just finished a family dinner thing, and he was more than full. (but i guess 6 pieces of lasagna will do that to a person... ok, i don't know for SURE if it was 6, but he had 3 different kinds of lasagna, and he said he went back for seconds...)

So we hung out there for a while, and then we all went home.

Sunday... was GLORIOUS!!!

I did absolutely nothing ALL DAY.

My sister was out doing a little roadtrip to Seattle with her girlfriends, so i stayed in bed, and i watched movies. I started watching a bonus feature on my Cry Baby DVD, but they mentioned Sandra Dee, and I was reminded of Gidget, so... i youtubed it. That movie is kind of a guilty pleasure. I love it. its just so... i don't know. a chick-flick. after i watched that (all 10 parts on youtube), i took a nap. I deserved it, I think, after my busy weekend. Anyway, I woke up, because Kieran was going to give me flowers before he went to mexico.

He bought flowers, and then decided he didn't like them. So since I was with him when he bought them, i guess he decided to give them to me, even though I have the Black Thumb of Death, when it comes to gardening. but i thought, what the hey, they're free flowers.

So he came by, and we hung out in my parking garage for about an hour, just talking and chillin. I found out that i could piggy back him - and he's a pretty big guy. but yeah. i got my flowers and he still had to pack for his week-long mexico trip.

I watched Cry Baby when I got back upstairs. And damn. Wade "Cry-Baby" Walker is one hell of a man. <3

My sister came home just as i was finishing up with Cry Baby. I hadn't eaten all day, so i had 2 tomato&cheese sandwiches while i watched my second movie, and she had a late lunch in the States. So we watched Weeds for a bit, then we both got hungry around 9pm, so she had a sandwich, and i had mac&cheese that i was going to eat for lunch. but its all good. we got in our sisterly time, as we hadn't really seen each other all weekend.

But yeah... that was my weekend. out of the 3 potential days off i had, only 1 was a REAL day off. But i had a good time all three days. Spending quality time with ppl who are awesome.

This week Iron Man comes out, and so I'm STOKED ABOUT THAT. My friend Sonia (aka Boss)'s bridal shower is on saturday, and then OMFG, ITS THE EAGLES CONCERT ON THE 9TH!!!!

and then i got plans to head over to the island on the 14th to spend some time with my Woman. so that'll be nice.

man, May is going to be Busy!

the eagles, im2, life, guilty pleasures, movies, rl, friends

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