long post about me. really. its LONG.

Feb 14, 2010 02:27

 i just don't know anymore, you know?

about a lot of stuff.

but whatever. my week off was good. last friday i hopped on a ferry with Bear (my car) and went to the island to see The Woman and Her Spawn (aka skullycat and Kaeda). we had a nice visit together. didn't write anything, but we seem to do that better when we're apart than when we're together. we came up with some new ideas for our story (that WILL be published one day!! hopefully) so we'll see how they work out.

Actually, one of my days there was quite memorable, as we went to Sidney, BC, and... seriously. Ok, I grew up in a placed called Steveston. Its a little fishing village in Richmond, and its.. quaint. I love it, but whatever. Sidney? OMG, ITS LIKE ITS A DOPPELGANGER OR SOMETHING!!! ITS ALMOST EXACTLY LIKE STEVESTON!!! ON THE ISLAND!!! which shouldn't shock me or kinda weird me out, but it did, and it does.


it was a little creepy, but kind of cool and awesome. but thats just me being kinda geeky.

anyway. the olympics are here. LOL to the opening ceremonies when the thing didn't work. i mean, it was a good opening (i LOVE KD LANG, BTW. SHE'S AWESOME AND AMAZING AND I LOVE HER VOICE!!). and YAY to good ol'Wayne. He's pretty cool.

but... i feel kinda bad for saying so, but i... don't really care all that much about the olympics. I mean, its awesome for all these different nations to get together and everything, but... meh. i mean, it was cool that i saw the torch. twice. both with my bff Sarah. (who is totally my bff, and i was so happy when she said it, but i'm weird like that, and yay!) but... i dunno. it is cool.

What IS cool is that i'm excited for one thing. Feb 21, i'm going to watch curling!! I won tickets! so i'm excited about that, because while i'm meh about it and everything, i'm glad i'm experiencing at least a part of it. When its in my city, you know? i won't ever get a chance like this again, and i won't ever make an effort to actually GO to an olympic game, so, yay!!

so... a couple weeks ago, my dad asked my sister and I if we were okay if he were to go on eHarmony. and we said of course.

all i want is for him to be happy. i think he was a little... nervous? or... apprehensive about asking/telling us about it, because he wasn't sure if we WOULD be okay. but i'm happy if he's happy, and that's all there is too it.

he told us today that he had started earlier than what he told us, and he had been out a couple times with a lady, but that didn't really work out (she said she didn't want/need a third date, so me and mares offered to go beat her up, to which Daddy just laughed), and he's been talking to a lady who lives on the island, and i think he's going to go meet her this weekend. my dad just had his birthday, and he just turned 61 (which is why we were with him tonight, to celebrate his birthday even though it was earlier this week), and apparently this lady is 50-something, so we made joking comments about him 'robbing the cradle' and how he's a 'sly dog', and i think he liked that we're really ok and joking about the situation.

so, after that little conversation, we played cards for a couple hours. before that, we were teaching him a few things about his ipod. and before that we had dinner.

ok. so. i know i'm telling this story out of whack, and i'm really surprised if you're actually still reading this, but OMFG.

FIRST OFF, I LOVE MY FRIEND KIERAN SO MUCH RIGHT NOW. HE'S ONE OF MY MOST FAVOURITE MEN (and yes, i called him a man, which should say something about how much i adore him right now) IN MY LIFE RIGHT NOW!!

ok, so, I got Daddy Eagles tickets for his birthday!! I also got tix for me and Mares. so its a family affair, and we're going to see the eagles, and seriously, guys, seriously, you have no idea how much i love this band. i was listening to them in the WOMB. this band has been a BIG part of my life. I saw them for the first time when I was in Grade 4 (the Hell Freezes Over Tour), and then I saw Don Henley in Kelowna a few years back.

but seriously, guys, its the EAGLES, AND I MAY EXPLODE FROM JOY.

but yeah, Daddy seemed SUPER happy about his b-day gift from us, and i'm SOOOOO happy. i mean, i knew he'd LIKE them, but i think he's actually kinda excited about it, which makes me even MORE excited.

ok, the reason i love Kieran? he told me about the Eagles concert. i think he may have told me when he found out, because he knows i love the Eagles. and i LOVE the eagles. i do. seriously, probably in my top 3 bands that i love, ever. he may have also helped me GET the tickets. so i am pretty much am indebted to him forever (within reason).

he doesn't think its such a big deal, but... he's been really great lately. and everything that he has been doing for me has meant a LOT to me, even if it doesn't take much effort for him. and i've been trying SUPER hard to be nice to him. its been working, i think. SO yes. How much do i love my Peanut? OH SO MUCH. (this could change at any moment, but as of right now? i luff him forever!! I luv him sooooooooo much that i even told him he didn't have to buy me a Ring Pop. in fact, the other day, i bought HIM a ring pop. THAT'S how much i adore him.)
anyway. so yes. i have EAGLES TICKETS, OMFG, AND NOW I CAN BE REALLY EXCITED ABOUT IT, BECAUSE NOW MY DAD KNOWS AND I MAY JUST BURST FROM HAPPINESS. ok ok, its not until May, but whatever. I have tickets, and whatever, they're on the balcony, but whatever, i'm going to an Eagles concert. and that, my friends, is AWESOME.

and i'm going to leave it on a high note. because really, i can't really top that. i don't really SEEM like i'm excited for this concert in person, but... it just kind of hit me. i bought the tix the week before, but... now its REAL. I'M GOING. TO SEE THE EAGLES. LIVE. IN CONCERT. THE EAGLES. BEST OF MY LOVE. ONE OF THESE NIGHTS. HOTEL CALIFORNIA. THE EAGLES. SERIOUSLY.

*explodes from joy*

omfg i'm so excited i could explode from, family, rl, friends, music, the eagles, wtf cait's a freak, fangirling

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