(no subject)

Jun 15, 2004 10:24

Okay, I’m back to the grindstone after being off since Thursday, and I wanted to stay out a few more days. I did practically nothing the whole time. There was lots that needed to be done, but nope, I needed the time for Rest & Relaxation, and by golly, that’s what I made it! I did get my computer modem replaced, and I was right proud of myself for getting it loaded right. I know, for those of you who are much more computer literate, it would have been a breeze, but you have to remember that when I started with this company 15 years ago, we didn’t even have a PC on every desk. You would be amazed at how far technology has come. So, yeah, I’m right proud of myself. I also bought MS Money, to try to help me keep my finances in a little better order, and although I’ve loaded it, I’ve got to learn the program. Wish me luck!

My birthday weekend was very nice. Jimmy took me out to eat on Friday (not really a change from our normal Friday nights.) We went to my nephew’s high school graduation Saturday morning, and that didn’t help about making me feel any younger. Then we went to K&S’s for dinner, fun and music. The really neat part about this, other than the fact that I was the guest of honor and got some really neat presents, is that Jimmy was the designated driver. Now, that was one of the biggest gifts he could ever give, because in our 12+years, he’s only been the DD maybe a half dozen times or so. I didn’t even get totally blasted, but it was just so nice to know that I could if I wanted to.

My actual birthday (Sunday) was a little bit of a letdown, no one in my family called to wish me a happy birthday. My mom didn’t even call, but when she talked to me on Monday, she had a good excuse, so except for giving her a hard time, I’ll let her off the hook. I did have a friend that called, and I’ve gotten several e-cards and cards, but none of them actually got to me on the big day, so yeah, I was feeling a little blue when I went to bed that night. Jimmy had given me my gift at K&S’s so I didn’t receive a gift on my birthday either. I’ve still got friends at work that are making a fuss, so I really can’t complain.

Well, since I’ve got three days of work waiting on me, I guess I’d better scram for now.

Happy Monday!
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