(no subject)

Mar 29, 2004 09:13

Just a quick post, to let ya'll know I'm still alive and kickin' although, it's a miracle after this past weekend. I swear, I didn't think that 40 was that old, but Dang! I feel old!

Friday night, Jimmy did the emcee work for a benefit show, so after getting up at 5AM, working 9 hours, wolfing down a taco from Taco Bell, we go to the benefit that was basically a flop. They do this a couple of time each year, to benefit the community center, and this time, there was practically nobody there. We got home around midnight. I was exhausted!

Saturday, I got to sleep in - all the way unitl 6:30AM because Jimmy needed to work Saturday. I decided that since I'd gotten up so early, I'd get a lot accomplished - not so. I wanted to get my car cleaned up, so it would look nice for our trip to Nashville at the end of this week, and I needed to pick up a few things a WalMart. That store keeps me from being a millionaire! I swear, there was only a few things on my list, but by the time I got out, I'd spent just a little over 2646864112487123 billion dollars! Anyway, we had plans to go to a friends house an hour and a half away to celebrate his birthday, so by the time I got home from my shopping trip, it was time to shower and dress for the party.

The birthday party was lots of fun, not really a party as far as a huge number of people being there, but it was really a lot of fun. However, my dearly beloved has this habit of taking forever to leave wherever we are, so by the time we finally start home, it's 1:30 Sunday morning. Now, I'm the designated driver, so by the time we get home, and I finally get to bed around 3:30 Sunday morning, I've been up for over 21 hours, and I'm pretty much beat.

Yesterday, I planted some stuff in my flower beds, did a couple of loads of laundry, and washed the week's worth of dishes that had piled up, and like an idiot, stayed up until after 11PM watching a movie that I wasn't even that interested in, so now I feel like I haven't gotten nearly enough rest. BTW, I have tulips blooming! I love to grow flowers!
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