random post: resurfacing from my long blogging dormancy

Jul 27, 2008 23:03

Alive!! Yes! :)

Two months of my second year of teaching over. One would think that things would have gotten 'easier' now that it's not my first year of teaching anymore, but that's not the case! :) In addition to my usual teaching load, I'm a class moderator now as well as an 'org' moderator (FairCom), and I'm still taking M.A. classes. And look how those few words can't seem to encompass all the drama, excitement and exhiliration of these past two months. It's been an action-packed and very educational two months, to say the least. ;)

There's just too much going on in real life that I can't put it all down. Which is a pity, really, because I'm afraid if I don't set all the happenings down somewhere, I'd forget them. :(

I just recently bumped into an old college professor during a book launch, and she gently reprimanded me for doing too much LIVING and not enough writing. You see, in our earliest Creative Writing classes she (and other professors) told that us that we needed to go out and LIVE first before considering doing any writing. So. Ah. Hm. I'm definitely doing the LIVING part right now. :) Lots and lots of it!

But yes. Henceforth, I vow to keep on blogging so as not to lose the writing completely. :) (Hear that, Ma'am C? hehe)

I recently looked at my past journal entries from a year ago and marvelled at the fact that, despite the obvious chaos that was college existence, I insisted on MAKING TIME to write. So! No more excuses. :)

Hello, blogging! Remember me? :)
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