Hey everyone... this is just a letter sent to me by a friend that I think if successful, would be a great cause. You don't have to do it.. but if you're up to it, take a second and see what it's all about!
As you know, over 1000 soldiers have now died in Iraq and almost all have been
Join me and MoveOn Student Action in signing an open letter to the President,
demanding a plan to end the war.
To make sure we are heard, we're printing the letter as an ad in the New York
Times and aiming to gather 100,000 signatures in 5 days. That would make this
the largest student petition in history.
To sign, just go to:
http://www.moveonstudentaction.org/iraqletter Also, each valid signature triggers a no-cost $5 donation to the MoveOn.org
Voter Fund, and advances your school in the College Click Drive.
http://www.moveonstudentaction.org/iraqletter Thanks!