Today (Sunday June 01, 2008) I merited with Cloudvii (NIN/WAR), Clocant (DRG/SAM), Charlamagne (SAM/RNG), Tata (myself RDM/WHM), Eiletheyia (BRD/WHM) and Nanatan (BRD/NIN)...and the outcome is:
Also in the afternoon I went to do Brothers ENM with Chailyn. Took us about 50 minutes to get the Cotton Pouch and turn it into a Zephyr Fan. Last week was a disaster since I confused 1 ENM with another. We jumped all around without climbing atop the Uleguerand Range, went to each one of the Wind Pillar until we finally arrived at the destination. Start was okay until I nuked w/o gravity. I died, got reraise, then hell broke loose. Most Important thing is to gravity the Eldertaur! We spent almost the whole evening just to get to the ENM and failed. No problem, we tried again today.
Today was exceptionally perfect. We know where to go, what to do. Not many aggro's from those ugly Taurus... no not Taru's! We passed by a Linkshell that was getting ready to fight Jormungand, nicknamed Jormy. We wished them good luck and head on towards the right Wind Pillar.
Explained to Chailyn what to do exactly.
1. We buff up... (Chai! You forgot to buff me!)
2. Told Chailyn to get close enough to aggro and then run back to the start.
3. I Elemental Seal + Sleep2 the Mindertaur as it gets close enough, while I told Chailyn to Gravity the Eldertaur
4. I began Burst 2 (1120 Damage), while Chai cast Dispel. I got hit twice, but Blink saved my hide)
5. I cast Freeze 2 (1100 Damage?), and told Chai to Nuke Happy it)
6. I cast Thunder 4 (900? Forgot from now on) and run around.
7. I cast Fire IV and it died, Chai cast a few Tier 3 as well between these steps.
8. My mana is quite depleted so I told Chai to get ready to ESeal+Sleep2 the Mindertaur when it gets near. Luckily we remember to stare away from it since it can doomed us. We were never touched nor got hit by anything else.
9. As soon as I got 50% MP or so, I began nuking AM2 again, and Manafonted. Waiting for that MP is really boring. Burst 2, Freeze 2, Blizzaga 3, Thunder 4 and some nuke from Chai killed it pretty quick. I hurried on to the middle and open the chest. Total time taken: 7 minutes and 45 seconds.
And we received a Martial Anelace and a Dragon Bone. Totaled to about 50k gils. I put the Dragon Bone on Auction for 10k and change to RDM/NIN while Chailyn changed to BRD/NIN. We started to skill up my Sword and her Dagger. After an hour or two we manage to skill up my Sword from 100 to 153 while her Dagger went from 172 to 187. Was fun using my new Justice sword and the Martial Anelace with Double March Songs and Haste, I was swinging very fast.