Day 3 - Favourite TV Program

Apr 03, 2010 14:30

Growing up, I was a tomboy, and a Daddy's girl. My hobbies and tastes and viewing choices reflected this. My Dad was a big sci-fi nut, hence I was too. While my peers watched soaps and kids tv shows, I was watching kids tv shows, and Star Trek amongst others.
I'm fascinated with the whole what's-out-there thing. Growing up, I was convinced I was born in the wrong century, cause Starfleet was so where I wanted to be. Heh. So yeah. Star Trek is a big part of the household, and thanks to Sky tv's penchant for showing episodes every day, it's unfortunately got to the point where me, my Dad and the brother-in-law can see 5 seconds of any episode and know exactly what's happening. Kinda sad, cause it means I can't enjoy episodes as well as I used to, but the whole Star Trek experience is an extreme favourite of mine. Except Enterprise. We don't like that one in this household, cause Berman and Braga are twats. Oh, and generally, any episode, directed by Frakes, cause that means it's a holodeck/timetravel/self-insert episode, and generally shite. (lady__ishtar may disagree with me here, she's far more Trekkie than I am.)

Although I used to be very into Doctor Who, in the 10th Gen, when Rose left I kinda grew disinterested, cause I didn't like Martha. Donna wasn't too bad, but, like most fans, I was pissed off at the over-use of the Daleks and the Cybermen, and stopped watching it. And then, THEN, David Tennant left, and well, that kinda sealed it for me. Although, I've promised myself to give the new series a chance, and although I dislike the new assistant (I'm still unknown about the Doctor), Saturday's episode was good, had me thinking 'ok', and then we got wind of the preview of the next episode, with Daleks, and bleh. So. Maybe downhill from here, who knows.

Ah, Babylon 5. I get this obsession from my Dad. Me and my sisters bought the 5 series/all films box set for him one Christmas. He watched the entire thing day after day within a couple of months, and then proceeded to buy a new tv 'to experience it properly' and then watched it over again (we'd discovered that the tv was actually showing things with kind of a green tinge. This show is so geniusly written, that you can't help but be drawn in. There are multiple upon multiple of storylines woven through each other, with multiple characters with masses of backstory, and it comes together to form such an amazing thing to watch. I can't do it justice: it's pure genius. Full stop.


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