u kno u want some more girl...

Mar 19, 2005 02:03

_ 7 things you love

[x] my grandma
[x] reading
[x] my best friend
[x] my friendz
[x] fo0d
[x] text messagin
[x] sex haha

_ 7 things you hate

[x] h0mew0rk
[x] practice
[x] h0es
[x] shit takin
[x] one stupid bitch
[x] periodsz
[x] not goin out

_ 7 things on your desk

[x] compooter
[x] calculat0r
[x] c0ntactz c0ntainer
[x] clear nail p0lish
[x] water b0ttle
[x] purse
[x]  my cellie

_ 7 things you are right now

[x] taken
[x] a s0ftball playa
[x] excited 4 jellyz sweet sixteen
[x] lookin banqd up as fuk
[x] missing kevin
[x] in a sp0rtz bra
[x] needin a sh0wer

_ 7 facts about you

[x] im c0l0mbian hawaiian
[x] ii turn seventeen 0n september 29th..
[x] ii l0ve bein a g0alie [x] ii can be a bitch sumtimez
[x] ima jeal0uz pers0n
[x] im scared 0f gettin hurt agian
[x] my best friend is jelisse silva

_ 7 things you plan to do before you die

[x] find true l0ve and get married
[x] get my tattoo! LMAo jellAy
[x] have kidz
[x] bec0me a doct0r
[x] be successful
[x] idk?
[x] be happy

_ 7 things you can do good

[x] c0me up wit planz
[x] make excusez
[x] kiss
[x] bitch
[x] be a go0d friend
[x] be halariouz
[x] make the w0rld a betta place

_assorted info

name: diana
aliasez: d0es thiz mean nicknamez? leilani
sex: gurl
lOc: kendall 3o5
race: hispanic// pacific islander? 
natz: c0lo0mbian//hawaiian
aqe: sweet sixteen
aim: xtatalaliciiouzx

_ryt now '

tiime: 2:14 am drinkynq: nothing
eatynq: nothing
wearinq: white sportz bra and green and white adidas s0cca sh0rtz
muZic: letz get bl0wn *pharell and snoop
mOod: excited
thynkin abOut: kevin
want: see kevin.. eat a mChiken
needz: kevinz kiss wish i waz: sh0werin

_favOriitez `

sOnq: cry me a river- j.t
rapper: umm.. idk..
siinqer: hilary duff
fOod: s0 many sOda: pepsi
ice cream: cant eat ice cream
juice: 99 cent publix punch!
liquOr: parr0t bay... and mayb hypn0tiq 
clOthinq stOrez: l0tz
shOe stOrez: whereva
cOlorz: green and teal
cartOon character: d0nt have
mOvie: clueless
tv shOw: americaz next t0p m0del
thinq tO do: have fun bitches!!!

_friendz '

whose ya female bestfriend: jelisse
whose ya male bestfriend: hmm.. carl0s
otha close friendz: jessica.. natty.. cant think brainfart
back staberz: melissa
who u tell everithinq: jelisse..jessica..carl0s
who u wit most: jelisse
who u on da phone wit most: carl0s
who u fiqht wiit most: hm idk
who u neva fiiqht wit: idk
who most like u: wdf..
who da most fun: errywun
who u take everi where: idk.. nowun haha
who alwayz cheerz u up: errywun
who lovez u most: jelly and carl0s
who u wanna see most: all 0f them!!
who u kno qonna alwayz be there: all 0f em

_love '

u qot a boii: ahh yupp
if so who: kevin
who u crushin: my dad.. dumfukz.. kevin
last relatiionshiip: alex
who u wanna be wit: kevin


x. birthday = september 29th
x. piercing = earz and belly butt0n
x. tattoos = hehe..
x. height = 5'2
x. shoe size =  eek like eight
x. hair color = black with br0wn and g0ld highlightz
x. length = fuckin l0ng
x. siblings = 1 br0ther ((13))
x. pets = n0ne


x. movie you rented = umm my m0m rentz but ii d0nt watch
x. movie you bought = ii think passion of the christ
x. song you listened to = jl0 *h0ld me d0wn
x. song that was stuck in your head = umm idk
x. song you've downloaded = none
x. cd you bought = bought? dam ii think hilary duf in sept. x. cd you listened to = avril
x. person you've called = my daddii x. person that's called you = kevin
x. tv show you've watched = antm


x. person your thinking of = kevin
x. do you have a bf or gf = yes
x. do you have a crush on someone = yupp kevin..
x. do you wish you could live somewhere else = n0t rilly
x. do you think about suicide = nahhz
x. do you believe in online dating = to meet sumwun maybb
x. do others find yourself attractive = iidk.. mayb
x. do you want more piercings = yea x. do you want more tattoos = ii want wun x. do you like cleaning = sumtimez if its necessary
x. do you like roller coasters = fuck yea
x. do you write in cursive or print = print
x. do you carry a donor card = n0 niqqii

_for or against

x. long distance relationships = against *they suck
x. using someone = against
x. suicide = against
x. killing people = against x. teenage against x. doing drugs = against
x. gay and lesbian relationships = f0r they need l0ve too


x. food = didnt we already discuzz this x. song = ""
x. thing to do = text x. thing to talk about = idk? x. sport = s0ccer and softball x. drink = pepsi
x. clothes = da wunz ii d0nt own at the st0re x. movies = t0ld u l0ser..
x. bands = the postal service
x. holiday = umm d0nt hav wun..
x. season = spring
x. car = range r0ver niqquh

_have you

x. ever cried over a girl or boy = yupp
x. ever lied to someone = yep
x. ever been in a fist fight = nahhz


x. shampoo do you use = pantene pr0-v x. you scared of = ex0rcist
x. # of times u have had my heart broken = rilly bad? once
x. # of hearts u have broken = i think like 2
x. # of continents u have lived in = 1
x. # of people u would classify as true, could trust with your life friends? 1 x. # of people i consider my enemies = 2
x. # of people from high school that i stayed friends with = im still in high sch0ol
x. # of cd's that you have = too many 2 count
x. # of times my name has appeared in the newspaper = wdf..
x. # of scars on my body = idk ii d0nt count them x. # of things in my past that I regret = nothing really.

_da end '

time: 2:27 am
buddiez on: 21
who u talkin to: n0buddii
music playin if any: ashlee simps0n
how u kno diz person: huh??
wha u qonna do now: sh0wer bitchez
las wordz: ii miss kevin..!! 13 hrz till jellyz sweet sixteen
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