(no subject)

Jul 12, 2007 21:24

 I'm experiencing a cosmic conspiracy that is preventing me from watching the OotP movie. I mean it, the stars are all against me!

It all begun when I didn't find tickets to the midnight premiere on Tuesday. Come on, this is Brazil we're talking about... there couldn't be enough HP fanatics down here to sold out the session! Don't people work in the morning?

Next Rodrigo, (that's my boyfriend) tells me he's on call on Wednesday. Great! Cindy had alredy invited me to go with her and her friends from school, but I've been talking so much about the movie that now Rodrigo is as excited as I am to watch it. Concluding, Cindy saw it yesterday without me.

So tonight is the big night! I spend the entire day waiting for 6pm to come. Cell call, it's Rodrigo. “I'm stuck in a surgery and won't be able to make it. Let's go at 9pm.” Fine. No worries. That doesn't mean a thing.

Seven pm I start getting dressed. This is a big occasion, come on! I should were some make up. I NEVER wear make up. Looks nice! I should do this more often. Hair? Not bad either. Now what to wear? I got this new top during my trip and it's blue. Hmmm... I think I look nice in blue!

Phone rings. My best friend who I haven't seen in ages wants to get together. Not tonight, today is Harry Potter night. Laughs (she never even watched a movie). Ok, so tomorrow night, no excuses. By bye.

Hang up the phone, now the jeans... Jeans up, and up... hufff... and clos... it doesn't close! It doesn't fit! How could this happen???? I get a second pair from the closet and it's the same story.  What's going on?

I look at my closet and start thinking about an English term I learned in a “Sex In The City” episode in which Miranda is in a night club all happy because she was wearing her “skinny jeans”. I thought that was fabulous! I never imagined that it was a girl rule to keep a piece of clothing that doesn't fit anymore, just for the hope that one day she could get inside it again. I believed I was the only crazy person who would do that.

Now I'm looking at my closet and it's ALL skinny jeans. The one I was wearing till yesterday, you know that kind that has lycra on it? Laundry.

Come on, this is Sirius night. The great farewell! Not even this can affect my mood. Wear a skirt, don't eat pop corn and start thinking to who you're gonna give all that swiss chocolate you bought at the Duty Free.

Cell phone. Guess who?

“Tati, bad news. I won't be able to get there on time.” I won't type the motive, but it's not his fault.“Let's go tomorrow?”

Tomorrow we're going out with Veronica. What about Saturday?

“Saturday I'm on call.”

Sunday then?

“Are you crazy? It's the finals for the America Cup: Brazil x Argentina.”

So now I'm here in front of the computer, wearing make up and a skirt, trying not to cry with the perspective, or better, the no perspective of watching Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix anytime soon.

Why am I being punished like this?

cosmic conspiracy, bad luck

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