Oct 25, 2007 17:15
For your amusement... and mine...
Date: Oct 25, 2007 2:36 AM
Dear Ms. M.
In an ironic twist of fate, it turns out that my friend has seen you about town, and ever since remains quite enamored with you! ( For he says, " I saw her first") .So you see this puts me in an akward situation...and thus, i find that i am not with the ability to pursue an exsquisite creature such as you I am so ever flattered. And most of all impressed with the stylish and capable manner in which you made contact! Maybe give him a chance? Hope to see you around.
and my reply:
"So I was driving to work this morning, pondering my reply. I came up with precisely 642 various responses, but figured that I would narrow it down, for precision and uniformity.
The glass is half full:
Dear Sir S.,
Thank you for the kind words. I do not know your friend, but I am flattered and intrigued, considering he come with such a gentleman-ly recommendation. I will only cry for one year, no more, for the unrequited. I have been thoroughly amused by the escapade, and that in itself is well worth the adventure. G'day.
The glass is half empty:
Sir S.,
So, either you are a very sincere gentleman, or you write flattery that proves you to be very sneaky and creative in your rejection. It is like the child that wants the sweet. In what better of a way do you divert the attention, than to bring forth a seemingly equitable alternative. (i.e. You don't really want that yuchy piece of chocolate.. Look! Here! Take this green bean coated in sugar... mmmm..) So Ah! Ha! to you and your sneaky ways... They have been thwarted.
Hrm.. So now that that is out of the way.
Hello. Technology is fun, yes. Although truthfully, there is much humor in the whole thing. First, I was not actually anticipating that I would be found out, I was just feeling a bit saucy and curious. I laugh a bit at that. Secondly, I actually did not put together, until yesterday, that you (The cute guy that I smile coyly at from the Honey Salon) and you (The random cute guy from the bar) were the same person. I have been a bit isolationist the past few months, but am starting to come out more now. Tues/Thurs anyhow. Anyhow, Ill end this long-winded banter with a smirk and a shrug.
In sum:
Of course, he read it already... but no reply just yet. I wonder if he will?