It's like Canada and French, it's the official second language, you just have to deal with it. I understand the frustration but at the same time someone shouldn't have to totally give up their heritage and who they are just to make the white man happy. He should have tried to speak to you in English, but you also could have met him halfway. Actions effect others way more than you think
I'm writing an essay on Crash, I think I'm just hypersensitive right now
there's certainly a lot of catering to the population then if it's not official. Once it's on store packages and shit I think that's your sign. Whatever, think I'm dumb. I guess there is a difference when it's expected and when people like my oma and opa were ridiculed while trying their best. you win.
It's not about winning. It's about people who have no respect.
My grandparents (and yours too, I suspect) did not expect people in their new country to know their native language. They learned the language of the country as best as they could.
They were still called derogatory names like DP, wop and fucking gypsies, but they tried to become Americans.
These fucking immigrants, 80% of which are illegal, expect us to cater to them and refuse to learn what's expected in this country.
Which brings me to the subect of them driving around with these huge fucking Mexican and Puerto Rican flags on their cars...
haha yeah, I was writing my essay and being all preachy, they are certain things that really piss me off it's middle eastern people...and Italians...I'm a hypocrit yes indeed
Yea, but in Canada, it's KNOWN that French is the second official language. The US has no other official language other than English. It's arrogant to go into a store in another country & expect them to speak your language when you're the visitor. If his store had no Spanish signs or other people speaking Spanish, why did these folks assume that Spanish was spoken in that store?
I agree, but I'd also like to point out that it is STILL just as bullshit in Canada, 'official' second language or not; we fucking cater to the french, and it does help to perpetuate dislike towards them
( ... )
I'm writing an essay on Crash, I think I'm just hypersensitive right now
My family spoke their native languages at home and kept their heritage.
But someone assuming that people speak their language is just asinine.
Besides, there is no official second language in the USA.
My grandparents (and yours too, I suspect) did not expect people in their new country to know their native language. They learned the language of the country as best as they could.
They were still called derogatory names like DP, wop and fucking gypsies, but they tried to become Americans.
These fucking immigrants, 80% of which are illegal, expect us to cater to them and refuse to learn what's expected in this country.
Which brings me to the subect of them driving around with these huge fucking Mexican and Puerto Rican flags on their cars...
yeah, I was writing my essay and being all preachy, they are certain things that really piss me off it's middle eastern people...and Italians...I'm a hypocrit yes indeed
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