New Year's Resolutions

Dec 29, 2008 12:42

It's that time of the year again...
when people devour insane amounts of quezo de bola, hamon, lechon, cake, and everything else so deadly and artery-clogging that you can only eat it once a year. we eat and eat and eat.

then we vow to lose weight the following year.
yes, its time for new year's resoultions. i can't remember what i set out to do last december, so its kinda hard for me to revisit them and check if i had done them.

i've decided that this year will be different.
rather than setting resolutions, i've decided to set goals for 2009.

while they may seem like the same thing...

...well. they are. pretty much.

but for me, the word "goals" carries a positive connotation, and focuses on progress. it is about focusing on who i want to be and what i need to do to get there..rather than just producing a list of things not to do. (which most new year's resolutions focus on..i won't smoke, drink, eat chocolate, etc..)

if you tell someone they can't do something, most likely they'll end up doing it. so rather than doing that, i will just set out a list of things i want to do. and i will categorize them into several groups: Personal, Professional, Physical, Financial and Spiritual (this is something tim and i did on the beach earlier this year, but i want to start a new list).

Personal Goals include learning a new language, travelling to new places, doing something new, and maybe picking up a new hobby.

Professional Goals include developing new business ideas, planning career moves, and developing my existing skills or learning new ones.

Physical Goals include dieting, exercise plans and sports/activities.

Financial Goals include budgeting expenses, investing plans, and managing my personal assets.

Spiritual Goals include what i want to do for God, for the church, and for my own spiritual growth (personal retreats, spiritual disciplines, and the like).

Rather than writing down a one-time list of resolutions that i will probably forget about after a couple of weeks, i want to produce a regular regimen that will force me to be discplined in all aspects of my life. (my phlegmatic nature does not want any part in this, but the little pockets of melancholic and choleric tendencies will see me through!)

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