Jan 14, 2006 00:03
I was talking about chicken soup when that exited my mouth, but it made me laugh. Wouldn't be a terrible life motto, I suppose. lol
I borrowed a couple of Mike's Emm Gryner CDs today, so I can familiarise myself with her music a little more before we go see her next weekend. I think he was nervous that I'd hate it, lol, despite Cass having already told him that yes, I do know who she is and I like what I've heard. I know I'm known for loud rock but I DO have other speeds! And he is such a goof. He says the most ridiculously outrageous things to me, lol. I think he's trying to get a rise out of me, and is puzzled as to why most of what might possibly be considered offensive behaviour by some just kind of rolls off me. The thing is, he is SO MUCH like A when he and I first got together--and even before that when we were just friends, so I had years to unlearn the being embarrassed by public weirdness issue. Seriously, when you're dating a guy who's wandered around at a pool party in a pink and black polka-dot bikini with frickin' screws stuck in the top so they look like really disturbing nipples, and your response to the, "Doesn't that bug you?" question was, "At least he's not naked anymore," the weird tends to not bother you much. LOL
But here's something that *is* actually weird to me: I'm completely NOT attracted to Mike. Not that I'd have pursued anything obviously but you'd think I would be at least a little bit interested when he's so much like someone I spent eight years with, and I'm not, at ALL. I enjoy spending time with him and that's the end of it. It makes me wonder if maybe I wasn't even more delusional than I'd thought about my relationship with A.
It's interesting to contemplate, anyway. If the psycho dork isn't my type anymore, what is? Because I have NO fucking clue. Nor am I really sure why all this is swirling in my head right now. *shrug* It's been a long, strange week. My brain is highly scattered, lol.