I had the radio on today, which is something I very rarely do b/c we have exactly 1 rock station, and it's basically classic rock with new stuff kind of tossed in willy-nilly. I like classic rock well enough, but really there's only so many times you can hear Hotel California before you want to cut Don Henley's tongue out. Seriously.
Anyway there are some odd little shows on Sunday nights, and one of them played some of the live recording of a Triumph concert from 1987. And during Spellbound (one of the few songs I know/remember, lol), the frontman was doing his thing, telling the audience that they're what makes it a show and in order for them to be the rockstars they need lights (i.e., lighters) and to turn the volume up (cue screaming). I guess coupled with the leftover deafness from Friday night it kind of made me think: when did the glitz and the glitter start to mean more than the music? When did a steady beat become the be-all and end-all? Perhaps more importantly is WHY?!
It's been bugging me this weekend, I guess. I was thinking about it while dancing on Friday b/c even though overall I had a good time, for a big chunk of the night I was *bored*. Totally assaulted by the sound system and not in a good way, because I didn't get any pleasure out of listening to that shit at all. I was pretty much moving by rote most of the night. And I'd flash back to the previous weekend, when we were out watching local bands play, which was equally assaulting (since we ended up right by the damn amps, lol) but in the BEST possible kind of way. It was so awesome and I could have listened for hours longer, instead of feeling this vague impulse to leave the whole time. I can be completely absorbed when the music is good, the same way as I can sink into a really good book or movie. There's no sense of time passing or of the people around me even.
The funny part was that I drove Karen home after and I dug out Nimrod and was like, I'm sorry but I NEED to hear something good, and I need it LOUD. I drop her off at the bus station most nights so she's used to me playing a lot of different music including GD, but I usually keep the volume at a sedate level when there are other people in the car lol. So I blare it while heading for the highway and after Hitchin' a Ride she turns it down for a second and says, oh she loved that song and hadn't heard it before. And I blurt out that she should hear the live version and WHY and we both started giggling. OMG it was funny. I don't think I've ever just flat out *said* that to anyone before, all blunt-like, lol. xD
Speaking of music that I *like*, I'm going to post my mix that I did for the Great Mix Trade on
audiography as soon as everything finishes uploading. :)
koneko41, you have it already cuz I sent it with your Christmas prezzie; I don't know if you burned copies for
rainjewel or
booshgal33 but if so, y'all can totally ignore the post, lol. Unless you want all my convoluted reasoning behind why those songs!
Oh oh and as for *live* music, Em Gryner's coming here in a couple of weeks and we're going to go. Yay!