Apr 14, 2005 23:11
My poor Jeff took her cat to the
vet this morning before work, and discovered that her kitty has become
a raving lunatic while in the presence of a vet, lol. I tried to
explain this beforehand, because Nibbs does what I call his Linda Blair
act when I have to take him to the vet, but it didn't sink into Jeff's
head that her sweet little Isis might get that bad. Except she
did, and she bit Jeff pretty badly. Badly enough that instead of
stopping at a walk-in clinic on the way home from work for some
antibiotics, Jeff ended up leaving early to go to the ER b/c the bite
area was inflamed and hot to the touch, which means blood
poisoning. She'll be fine, but she'll be at home and in bed for
the next couple days. :-( I'm always such a mess after the annual
vet visit; it takes soooooo much out of me to see my baby freaking out
so bad. And that's after he's been sedated!
(Cut to new topic, lol.) I often read my horoscope for pure fun,
and I rather liked yesterday's prediction that an intensely passionate
but short-lived affair was on the horizon, lol. But I was
thinking about that today - one thing you have to love/hate about a
data entry job, there's no shortage of time to let your mind wander -
and tying it back to a discussion that Angel and I had recently.
Romantic relationships were, oddly, the one area where I was always
totally fearless about tumbling in headlong. It seems like a
strange facet of one's life in which to lose one's customary caution,
but you know how when you're just talking to someone about stuff,
sometimes the most startling revelations shake loose? Well, I had
one of those later. I'd said that every relationship I'd had
prior to my ex-husband, I'd gone into knowing ahead of time that it was
finite. That there would be an ending, and it would hurt, and
that was okay. But when A and I finally started dating after 3
years of being friends and crying to each other over other people,
there was never that sense of imminent doom, for lack of a better
phrase. I didn't really believe that it would end until it
did. After that, actually. It took me a long, long time to
come to terms with the fact that my marriage was over and completely
unsaveable. And if I'm honest, it infuriates me that it did not
take that time for him - or any time, effectively, since he was fucking
someone else when it ended. *rolls eyes* Although ultimately WHO
he chose to sleep with made it easier to me to truly let go, since she
and I had already had run-ins in the past and I could list off about a
dozen guys I know she's slept with who I wouldn't touch, lol.
Anyway, enough tangentialness. I don't need to waste any time
thinking or talking about that bitch. My point here is that a
fling would be perfect, because I would be able to go into that the
same way I used to, with my eyes open about its eventual fate.
But it all made me wonder just how fragile I'd be if that wasn't the
case, you know, if I had any kind of expectations. Any at
all. Which really isn't something I should be worrying about at
the moment, since I'm certainly not dating anyone and haven't even met
anyone I'd like to date. On the other hand, it's a positive thing
that I'm at least thinking about all this stuff. The very fact
that it's occupying enough of my mental space to induce worrying is
excellent progress, lol.
Heather Graham irritates me. And Ryan needs to be kicked for treating his brother like that.
LOL, fragmented thoughts brought to you courtesy of The O.C.