I hate dissolving stitches. It feels like I'm constantly on the verge
of swallowing something I'm not supposed to be. And get yer minds out
of the gutter on that, b/c post-oral surgery care dictates no hot
liquids *or* straws, so there sure as hell ain't gonna be any of THAT
any time soon, lol. I'm very tired of lukewarm tea already,
though. It's just WRONG on so many levels!
I still feel like lead weight too. :-( It doesn't usually take
this long for drugs to pass out of my system. And I'm tired, but it's
like I'm overtired - listless and energyless but can't sleep. Fucking
has been listening to me rattle on about Green Day for a while now,
which is only fair as I listen to her rambles about Jason lol, but he's
not doing anything right now so she made me a huge batch of screencaps
just for me from the AOL concert stream and from the Jesus of Suburbia
video. If anyone's interested in seeing them, I posted a bunch on
here (AOL) and
here (JoS).
I actually have a whole bunch more AOL ones to go through but I
abandoned them yesterday in favour of JoS, lol. What a fucking
brilliant video, and we've only seen the supercondensed 6:29 minute
one! I can't wait til they decide what to do with the full-length
14 minute version and we can see that, as well as the full song 9+
minute version
Need to spend some time writing today, as unenthusiastic as I feel
about it. I'm behind in my self-set deadlines. Actually I'm
pretty much behind in everything. It's October 16th which means
in 3 months the application deadline will have passed for the grad
program I'm supposed to be looking at, and I haven't done
anything; I'm not sure why, other than
fear. But I'm so tired of being afraid. I'm just tired of
everything. Everything takes so long and I've already wasted so
much of my life. I feel like I'm at a big crossroads and every
direction has a deep chasm waiting for me, and I'd be perfectly happy
to take a leap of faith if I only knew which fucking way to go.