Oct 08, 2005 01:05
I watched Ghost Whisperer again tonight, and cried through the ending. It's a pretty good bet that if you're the crying type like me, a show where the basic goal of every ep is to assist the dead person in becoming non-earthbound is virtually guaranteed to elicit tears, lol. But they closed on a shot of Melinda and her hubby and I just thought, Dammit I wish I were watching a new ep of Joan of Arcadia instead, and that was Jane hugging Adam. I miss it. And I'm having such a hard time getting into TV at all this season - I've almost forgotten about LOST twice; I missed the premieres of Grey's Anatomy and Everwood altogether, and I haven't seen most of the new shows that I thought looked interesting, like How I Met Your Mother b/c I love Allyson Hannigan. I don't dare watch Prison Break because everyone I know loves it and therefore I would probably love it and I just don't fucking WANT to love any shows anymore. It pisses me off too much when they disappear, usually with all kinds of unfinished business.
Speaking of loving TV shows, I was reflecting today on the nature of obsession and how it differs from person to person. More specifically, between me and Anne, lol. We met b/c we both were obsessed with Roswell and wrote fanfiction about it and we share lots of other interests too. We both love Buffy, but neither of us ventured into obsessive fandom with it. We both love Harry Potter and Green Day, but she got into the HP fandom and I've gotten into the GD fandom, without either of us crossing into the other's newer obsessive territory lol. It fascinates me to speculate as to what might have been the trigger that we *didn't* share - empirically, it's an interesting example. On a personal level, I just find it highly amusing. And wonderful, b/c she can tell me HP and JKR tidbits and I can tell her stuff about GD. Cross-pollination of obsession-enabling-ness, LOL. Or something like that.
Oh, and there's a new poster on our Idiot Club thread who's from Mississauga and had backstage passes and met the band. That is so very annoying, lol. Seriously, I have come across any number of people - some in Rosdom some in GDdom - that I could have hung out with, had I only known they existed while I was still living there. Course, there's that whole downside part about me not being able to function like a normal human being or leave the house... yeah. LOL. Best to just bitch about it from the coast. ;-) And on the bitching note, my tooth hurts. Waaaaah.