And other pithy sayings about forgetting one's head if it weren't screwed on, and so on and so forth. It's been that kind of a few days. I don't know if it's the aftermath of waiting for violence that never came, or what, but it's very annoying. I've just been so thoroughly drained of late. I had a nap on Saturday, then when I woke up, decided fuck it and just went back to sleep. So I effectively went to bed at eight o'clock on a Saturday night. I think I am officially old, lol.
London on Thursday was fine. Loooooots of cops, especially in the areas outside tube stations (or Victoria and Waterloo, at least!). Very alert, too. I am typically the sort of person who gets a glance from Authority Figures and a swift assessment as Not Likely to Be Dangerous. Which happens to be true, so it's a reasonable snap judgement. On Thursday, though, I got quite direct looks, eye contact even, and a more careful, thorough assessment. (Fortunately, the verdict seemed to still be Not Likely to Be Dangerous *g*.) It was oddly comforting to be mildly disconcerted!
I was going to post more but I'm too tired to brain. So, have a meme ganked from the lovely
"If I made Cinderella, the audience would immediately be looking for a body in the coach."
- Alfred Hitchcock
When I write a story, what do you immediately look for?