Happy August!

Aug 04, 2009 23:54

Did y'all know that Viagra was originally conceived as a hypertension treatment? Which technically works, since it does reduce blood pressure by, ah, redirecting the flow, so to speak. Hee. The things you learn watching TV with an A&E nurse. *g* I've met all but one housemate - well, two, if you include the girl who isn't moving in until next week. They are very nice. S2 gave me a bit of a fright last night knocking at my door at half-ten, but he'd just come in from the gym and been asked if he'd met the new girl yet, which he had not, so he came round to give me the Internet info. Super sweet of him. Yes, this means I now have a properly functioning Internet connection again thank you tptb! I have a little trouble with his Aussie accent, and a little trouble with S1's accent (which I'm not alone in, apparently, his friends do too lol). Everyone leaves the house by around 8 am so I'm able to eat breakfast alone, which is my preference so I don't have to attempt conversation in the mornings lol, and then people hang around at night - which people depends on what time, it would seem. M's early as he's a Hollyoaks devotee, ha. I have missed enough in a year to be a little wtf, where'd everyone go? My room is still a giant mess whilst I figure out where to put things, as expected - I slept a great deal of the weekend, this whole moving thing just wipes me right out - and otherwise, things are good. I'm being included but not crowded and I'm feeling increasingly comfortable here. I am cooking, too, and carving out some space for what little I have in the kitchen. Overall, yay. *pleased*

I am way, way behind on LJ. Have had little energy and there's so much backlog that my bits of time online have been spent on other things that are less overwhelming. So if there was something you wanted me to see, point me at it, because I suspect I am just going to have to cleanslate and not bother with the backlog. LJ doesn't skip back all *that* far. :P

Also, tomorrow marks a year since I started this job. Holy shit.

uk:work, housemates, lj

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