Today was one of those days where you look at the clock at lunchtime and think, "I just got here!" and seemingly the next time you look is when it's past time to go home and you think, "But I just came back from lunch!" Oy vey. I acquired a new weekly project and while it will go faster with some practice, it's going to be a much bigger time-sucker even than I'd thought. :/ Ah, well. It's good to be trusted with the responsibility involved, if nothing else. And my newlywed manager was back today, although she had a tonne to catch up on, of course. She brought a couple of photos and it looks to have been lovely. Yay.
Today is also my kitty's birthday, awww. Happy birthday, Nibbies! He's ten, holy shit. Old kitty is old! I think one of the best things about my trip to Canada was that I was able to see that he was totally fine but had also not forgotten me, and, well, still cared. lol. It doesn't upset me to talk about him anymore the way it was before, and that's a good thing.
Got a relatively small package from the mother with Red Rose, Kraft Dinner, maple syrup, Marcelle bronzing powder and one of my favourite tea mugs (I have four). Yay Mom! ♥ And I get to see what the new tap in the bathroom looks like because that's the box that she used to pack everything LOL.
This seems a very cool site - you can find out what the weather was like in a particular city on a particular date (handy for those of us who're anal about details *g*) and all manner of other similar facts and figures.
And this is a post by Trent Reznor:
my thoughts on what to do as a new / unknown artist. Which is *excellent*, if somewhat stream-of-consciousness and he says right off the bat that it doesn't include everything - one rather large hole being playing live, lol, but I think that most marketing strategies for music assume that as a baseline. ;-) I found it really interesting, anyway, especially as the promotional campaign for cradlesong (and apparently for Wilco's new one too; I've seen articles comparing them) incorporates a lot of these ideas, even though Rob and Wilco are both established artists, not new at all.
Lastly, I have a preeeeeetty new layout. And made myself a pretty blue icon to go with. *points*