"Comet hits rural Canada." Quite possibly the strangest spam-mail title I've ever had. That's a bit mean, that is.
My hair is in that awkward mid-length stage, and will be for some time to come while the damn stuff grows back. I do need to get it cut again, but when I got it done in Halifax, since I have some natural wave and at this length, it's pretty much guaranteed that some of it's going to curl so that it flips out, she cut it so that it would all flip out and look like it's supposed to be that way. Which was awesome when it was first cut, but as it's gotten a bit longer it wasn't working so well. Yesterday, I discovered totally by accident that the way to make it look properly messed up the length it currently is, is... comb it straight and don't touch it until it's dry. Ahahaha. Here I've been messing it up like I had to when I first got it cut this way and not getting it to work quite right, and all I had to do was leave it the fuck alone. I'm all over that! :D
Cradlesong doesn't drop until the 29th/30th (depending on your location) but as of today, you can go check it out on VH1's "The Leak" or on Rhapsody - the entire album is streamable, free. So if you're at all curious, go have a listen! I would be more squeeful about this but my Internet connection has been being a majorly fickle bitch and not staying connected for more than a few minutes at a time, so it actually hurts less to wait than it would to get to listen to like a minute and get booted. Oh, the irony, considering the
Digital Britain report was released today and one of its major recommendations is that broadband Internet is now an essential service like gas, water, electricity, and so on. The Internet is a utility! LOL. Their plan is to roll it out UK-wide by the end of 2012. While I think it's a concept whose time has come, that really doesn't help me any right now. *eyeroll*