Rainy Monday

Nov 10, 2008 20:39

Had a homesick moment today - well, a friendsick moment? It was warm-ish and rainstormy today, the kind where it goes from drizzle and breeze to gale and buckets in two seconds flat, and I love that. Love being out in it; if I'm able to go home and change right after, looove walking around and puddle-jumping and all of that. So does C. We used to do that when we worked together, end up fucking soaked because we'd skip through the middle of the parking lot in the rain instead of running for cover like everybody else. I miss her. I was already thinking about her b/c I owe her an email. Her last one complained that nobody else ever wants to go to stuff like the Pop Explosion (a live music weekend with gigs all over the city). The perhaps strange part is, this is the first time I've really actively missed someone. (I'm not counting my cat; that's gone from aching really badly to just not thinking about it.) But, like, I've done this before with my parents, more than once even, where we're far enough apart geographically to see each other maybe a couple times a year, and it's fine. It's better than fine this time round - I kind of miss them, but far more than that I revel in not being attached to them. Jeff, well, I'm used to missing her. She already moved back to New Brunswick a couple of years ago. K and I have always kind of drifted in and out, mainly b/c I have to be the aggressor there and, well, I often fail at that, lol. C, she'll chase me down. And that's the sum total of my friends there, really. Some more acquaintance-y friends, co-worker friends, that sort of thing, but those three people are the ones that actually matter. I've been horrible at keeping up, too. *sigh* Ah, well. One must go forth, so I can make sure to do better from now on, right?

Completely unrelatedly, have a link to some startlingly gorgeous pix of one Zac Efron. NSFW by way of shirtlessness. *g* Seriously, if you think of him as "that kid from..." in any way, shape or form, have a look. ;-D

family, friends, zefron

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