Changed my layout for the first time in forever. I was getting tired of the black background and wanted some colour. It's a bit pinker than I'd like with the background image I used, which also doesn't blend that well so far as repeating goes, but it'll do for the moment. Someday I will either learn enough CSS to customise a layout myself (since nothing I've ever used is exactly the way I want it) or someone will actually agree/offer to make me one. Yeah, I'm not holding my breath for either possibility.
I viewed a flat today - well, two, as both the ground floor and the first floor were available, but they were basically the same flat. Studios. Technically they conformed to my conception of a studio apartment as being one multi-purpose room with kitchen appliances plus a bathroom, but the entire thing, *including* the teeny tiny bathroom, was smaller than my two-person dorm room in university, and had way less storage as well. Seriously, the bed took up about 75% of the room. I mean yes, I do realise that residential spaces here are considerably smaller, but that was a bit ridiculous, especially for the price. Wow. I get to spend tomorrow making some more phone calls in an effort to find something non-bankrupty that's a wee bit bigger than a postage stamp. On the plus side, though, I did really like the area, and even going right by the damn street and having to double back on the bus was helpful because I got to see more of the main street and where the grocery stores in particular were. Nice. And pretty well accessible from here, too, which is good since I do intend to drag
looking_spiffy out of her house every so often. ;D
Oh, yeah, I got my hair cut on Monday. Not really different, just razed back down, lol - it had gotten rather out of control, with the spikiness and the curliness duking it out. It's not quite as good a cut as the original, so that plus the outrageous price (I was le dumb and booked the appt before asking the rates, duh) means that I definitely won't be going back to that salon. But, even though it was expensive, I don't mind having done that the one time because now I'm more comfortable that it can be done, if that makes any sense. I just really, really hate looking for new stylists. Obviously I didn't find one I want to stick with this time, but she did at least know what she was doing, so yay.
*points to icon* I'm almost out of tea. I'll have to start experimenting with what's available now. The most ubiquitous type seems to be PG Tips and it's okay but a bit harsh when brewed strong. I don't know. (And yes, I brought my own damn tea, to England. Red Rose pwns all, didn't you know? :P) Since I'm going to have to screw around with new stuff anyway, I think I'd like to try using stevia as a sweetening agent, assuming I can find some in a health food store or something. I consume far too much refined sugar and that's the biggest source, in my tea, so I'd like to cut down. It's not a case of weaning myself off taste-wise either; I can do that, but then my stomach starts protesting about the acid, so it's a bit of a lose-lose situation.