The leave-taking, that is. Couple people who won't be in tomorrow for whatever reason; nobody I'm particularly close to. I'm finding it a tiny bit difficult to be appropriately polite in response to, "We'll miss you." In the sense that if I were to express my true thoughts they would go something like, "I can't wait to get the fuck out of here." Which doesn't preclude missing the place or the people, but, yeah. One more day and I can taste it already. I'm starting to get excited instead of just unrelentingly anxious. As well as? It's not like I'm suddenly not anxious but I guess with more tangible progress it's beginning to acquire a sheen of reality.
Tomorrow is the first in my personal series of Thursdays of Change. Plane tickets are cheaper if you fly T/W/Th so the initial portion of my travel lined up that way, and then most of the rest of it did also, so I nudged the little that needed it to continue the pattern. I was born on a Thursday. Which isn't significant, per se, nor is the pattern absolute or immutable, but it clicks for me.
I have my Starbucks bears all mentally assigned to my team members. :D There are a few that are imo unattractive, or got soopersquished, that I shoved in the 'donate' pile, and I am keeping a couple. The rest are going to work with me tomorrow. Fun! I'm pleased. Right now I'm working on a thank you/farewell card that can be put up on our board. V's coming by on Saturday to pick up the craft supplies. I think she's gonna be glad she drives an SUV, heh.
Oh, yeah, went to the dentist yesterday to pick up my bite plane. It's kind of cool looking; I wasn't expecting it to be transparent plastic, for some reason. She made me put it on and take it off a zillion times to make sure it wasn't hitting anything it shouldn't and filed it down in a couple of places. It feels very, very weird going on but I was a good girl and wore it to bed last night, and I got used to it pretty quickly. I am also thrilled to report that I do *not* have the apparently fairly common reaction of sleeping with my mouth open to deal with the appliance's presence and thereby drooling everywhere. Ew. Yay me. The only time in recent memory that I've drooled in my sleep is, er, not in memory, actually, or not mine anyway, lol. I was verrry, very drunk that night. Wild B informed me that I had drooled on him, to which I enquired why didn't he move me then, and he just gave me this look and a smirk and said why would he do that when I'd passed out face first in his lap? *facepalm* It's even more hilarious now because in all honesty, retainers make me think of blowjobs. One of the first Sunday Night Sex Show with Sue Johansen radio shows I listened to had a male caller whose gf had given him one while wearing her retainer and he was wondering if he was weird for finding it extra awesome. Sue told him it was perfectly normal since he was more relaxed due to not worrying about the possibility of inappropriate biting. *g* I have no idea why that's always stuck with me, but it has seriously come to mind every time I've seen a friend wear a retainer. Also, Sunday night radio used to be awesome, once upon a time - Dr. Demento and Sex with Sue! Just... don't let your parents know that's what you're listening to in the sixth grade. :P Heeheehee. (Clearly I have not been doing enough writing on WS yet; spellcheck does not recognise 'blowjobs.' *fixes*) Of course, there's the (much later) part where I lost any concept of Sue as a guru after she gave a talk at my high school and declared that the act that led a couple to intercourse was French kissing. Huh??? Sorry, no. Not even *close*. I've kissed a shitload more people than I've fucked, you silly woman.
I picked up my new glasses yesterday, too. Even my mother, who knew that I'd gone to get them, didn't notice that they were different ones LOL. They are *extremely* similar, same cat-eye shape, same satin burgundy finish; they are a bit more elegantly curved and slimmer, without the extra decorations. Which is perfect, really, b/c as much as I adore my old ones, I have three of the original eight rhinestones left on 'em. The new ones are like a slightly more grown up version without losing the uniqueness. I am pleased. I also LOVE the case they gave me, which looks like a tiny red clutch purse with white polka-dots on the front facing. It's so cute!
angela_o, it totally made me think of you. :D
No pictures yet, though. I don't have time to mess around with them right now. Also, I'm getting my hair cut next week before I leave, so I'll just take some then - or even wait until I get to Montreal. One of the many reasons that the stopover step was a stroke of genius. Those few days will be a wee buffer between the insanity that prep and pack is being, and all the *new* *new* *new* and whirlwind activity once I get to England. I'll be able to catch my breath and it also functions as a baby step of sorts. I'm leaving, but going first to a city I already know and love, in my own country sort of ;), and just knowing that helps make me less anxious. I can also flail madly at poor
evaine about everything in a way I simply can't with the parents, because of course I'm fourth-guessing myself and worrying and all of that even though I am indeed sure of what I'm doing and that it's the right thing for me. Unfortunately, I wouldn't be me if I wasn't doing at least a little bit of freaking out!