Mar 23, 2008 01:05
Last night of the full moon and it's a clear one, so it's bright and otherworldly out there, mmm. I love nights like that. They stir up things. *grins* Today, however, has been delightfully, deliberately slothful. I finally got a decent night's sleep but am obviously still sick - cold's just got to run its course - and spending the day all drugged up and not doing much has helped quite a lot. Did a wee bit of organizing, but mostly watched TV (The Goonies was on this afternoon! :D) and read a book. I feel better for it. Soon I'll head off to bed and then tomorrow, get back into the crunch of things. I'll be a lot more productive if I'm not spending half of every minute with my nose in a Kleenex whilst coughing up a lung! While I wish they did not contain acetaminophen, I will say that the Buckley's cough pills work quite well indeed, especially now that I've got a consistent dose going. Treat it like allergies, I suppose.
I did have a rather bizarre dream last night. The setting was kind of a cross between now and medieval or Victorian times - very much a mishmash of stuff - and I was a Lady's handmaiden. Or bodyservant, which is the word that kept coming to mind because apparently I was responsible for, ah, seeing to her bodily needs until she married. O_o Which she was involved in a plot to do, that involved trapping the man by having him caught fucking her and thereby shaming him into marrying her (this sort of thing and the clothing is the non-contemporary part, LOL). And she did, but I was there in the room, which vacillated between being a kitchen where I was sat on the counter while they went at it on the floor, and being a large closet of sorts where I was flickering the lightswitch off and on in a strobe effect (and they were still on the floor), until whoever else it was broke into the room and served as official witness. I remember mostly how it felt to see them together than any real detail of the tryst. I was so aware that it was a desperate move on her part - something about saving her family, maybe? - and she didn't love him but she needed this to happen, and I'd done everything I could to help set it up and help *her* be ready in all ways, and I knew that it was what had to happen and that it was just the way things were, but my God there was a definite growl of mine going on inside me. I think that's what woke me up as it's a bit unusual. I'm not a particularly possessive romantic partner. I've never cared about ogling or flirting; hell, I sometimes used to play designated driver for my bf and his buddies and drop them at a strip club, way back when. But there has been the odd person who's just raised my hackles and it felt a lot like that - very visceral. It was interesting, in any case.