Today was an Every Which Way sort. I had a fairly good day overall, but there were some odd contrasting moments. For example: we had a group pizza lunch thing and the pizza was good, from somewhere I'd never had pizza before, and clearly won't again as I had a strong allergic reaction to it. Yes, I am allergic to cheese, but I know how much I can manage and a couple slices is way under that limit. In the past few years, I've also developed reactions to certain types of dough, and that pizzeria's appears to be one of them. *eyeroll*
Received some critical paperwork much earlier than I'd anticipated, which is awesome, but I hadn't quite psyched myself up to receive it yet so while excited, this also was a little nerve-wracking.
Then, it snowed. All day long. By the time I left work at 9 p.m., the parking lot didn't seem to have been *touched* and while the roads had been ploughed... sometime or other... they were still very snow-caked and slippery. The person behind me on the short strip of road leading from the parking lot to the traffic lights to the main street missed the light because they did an inadvertent 360° - in a van. I drive a little hatchback. So, yeah, I went extremely slow all the way home because guess what? When it's snowing still, has been for hours, and the road conditions absolutely suck? THAT'S WHAT YOU DO. And you DON'T TAILGATE goddammit. Between the continual tailgating, the fact that I was already on edge emotionally, and the general uneasiness I now have driving in these conditions, I was not exactly a happy camper. Actually between the utterly tense grip on the steering wheel and the crying all the way home, fuck me gently, I gave myself quite the headache. :-/ And then, because the streets had been ploughed so shittily, I went the way I normally go into my subdivision in bad weather to discover that no, I wasn't getting any more than fifty feet up that hill. Had to back out onto the main road again and take the next possibility (there are only four roads that will get you from a main road to my street, all of which have steep hills), which I did make with a lot of coaxing and gear-shifting - in an automatic! - and just, give'er. Fuck. Anyone who's driven in snow and ice conditions in a city that doesn't know the meaning of 'flat' knows that to get up a hill, you need to take a good, fast run at it and just push. Poor little car. I did make it, though, obviously. It certainly reminded me of why people tell me that I drive like I should have a stick shift, lol. If anyone actually *has* one and wants to teach me how, I'm all ears/hands. I never learned because no one I knew growing up had a manual transmission car.
A nice thing to come home to was one of the mother's baking experiments: chocolate Brie tarts with hazelnut/graham cracker crust. She's been on a baking kick lately and I'm not sure if it's just because she keeps watching cooking shows and is incapable of differentiating between "want to do sometime" and "do now," or if she's stressed about something and doesn't want to talk about it, because baking = mother therapy. Probably a bit of both. In the meantime, all I can say about today's experiment is *droooooool*. :D
Oh and lastly, I'm feeling slightly overwhelmed fannishly speaking. There's been such an avalanche of photos and vids and everything the last few days and I haven't even managed to look at a lot of it for doing other stuff. There's also a niggling annoyance, not directed at anyone, that everything I keep seeing/hearing is All About Billie. Because there are three other talented men in that band and it is *theirs* as much if not more so than it is his. I've hardly even heard anything about Jason and he at least is usually part of the GD coterie of musicians so it's not like no one knows him. I can't even explain really, it just rubs me the wrong way a bit. I guess the thing is, I am absofuckinglutely thrilled that friends of mine got to go to one or more shows and have such a fantastic time. But I'm not jealous, because I'm not so much into Pinhead Gunpowder. I like them okay and I listen to them occasionally, but they're hardly one of my favourite bands and were I not enamoured of one of the band members from somewhere else, I doubt I'd go out of my way to see a gig. Which I think is the part that bothers me, that it was about Green Day for a lot of the audience and not about PHGP, which I think it should have been. And maybe that's silly but that's the way I feel and so this inundation of new media is not full of unmitigated squee for me like it is for most. Though I have to say, I *am* digging the shaggy blond. Hee.
ETA: Forgot -
here lieth a batch of icons entitled books and cleverness that features women and books. Somehow I had a feeling that that would appeal to the majority of my flist!