IF: it's Friday! IF: it's Febru-illie/ary! IP: it's payday! FL: for
looking_spiffy! ;D
So, there's this band I love, who are doing a limited amount of touring right now for a half-album, which, being limited, means there's only a few Canadian cities and none of them are anywhere near me. After determining that, I proceeded to deliberately ignore all further news about the tour, because it's just depressing, y'know? I succeeded so thoroughly in ignoring it that it didn't even occur to me that hey, they might actually play in England. Enter a mysterious link labelled only that I might possibly be interested in what lay at the end of it. I clicked and discovered information that, well, occasioned a bit of a meltdown due to excessive squee. I didn't get a damned thing done last night for re-learning how to breathe, hee. And as of this morning, there has been purchased a pair of tickets and a USB wristband for the immediate plonking of a live recording of the gig, all at Ticketbastard's ((c)
madandy) extortionate pricing, and I don't care that it's ridiculous because I've managed to miss seeing these boys on stage for the last seven years for one reason or another and Oh. My. God.
May 1st. Wembley Stadium. Matchbox Twenty. Me.
I don't have words, aside from another profound thank you to Jade. You rock beyond the describing of it. ♥