Odds 'n sods for a Tuesday

Dec 18, 2007 23:12

Insurance adjustors suck. How hard is it to pick up the damn phone? I manage it, and I HATE IT! Grr. And that's all I wanna say about that.

This is a very, very NSFW trailer for the movie Punish Me. As the description goes, "A juvenile delinquent pulls his 49-year-old probation officer into a sado-masochistic affair." Said delinquent, btw, is played by Kostja Ullmann from Summer Storm and is not only the instigator of the affair, but very much the sub, judging by the delicious trailer. (There might be things like collars and spanking *ahem*.) Interesting dynamic there. I want to see this. :D

The mother was in the mood to bake cookies today so I came home in time to steal a couple of oven-warm peanut butter cookies with mini chocolate chips. OMFG so good. I think I've now hit my cookie quota for the holidays, though, what with having baked my own last week. I'm not really a big sweets/desserts person, which is why the mother doesn't bake as much as she used to - nobody to eat it. :-( I'm glad she made peanut butter ones, though. She hasn't made those since Mamère died a few years ago (her grandmother-in-law, I suppose? Sister's MIL) and today she just decided that it was time. ♥

thirdbeatred found this awesome little interview with Billie from a couple of years ago. It's pretty cute and quirky, and more 'personal without being too invasive' than music-focused. I likes. I particularly like his answer to the last question, about straight guys needing to 'stop feeling so damn threatened' by their gay friends. Aside from being insightful, I find it fascinating when coming at it from the perspective of a female who was constantly harassed by males growing up and yet maintained strong friendships with guys, because it's very much the same kind of boat. You know they're going to hit on you when they're really drunk and you just sort of roll with it and don't let it go anywhere. It's paralleled somewhat, I think, by my personal habit of flirting with taken people. I feel free to flirt *outrageously* because we both know right from the beginning that flirting is all there's going to be, and so it's okay, because you don't have to deal with those extra layers of communication and possibility. You don't have to worry that X is going to think you really want to do THAT with them right here right now!

I miss having guy friends, btw. I always had a large male presence in my life and right now, there's hardly any interaction with men at all. It's weird and it feels unbalanced. *adds it to the list of things she's dissatisfied with in her life* *eyeroll*

flirting, family, insurance, movies, food, green_day:links, links

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