Oct 10, 2007 23:15
I drove by a church this morning that had this scripture on its sign outside (it's one of those 'advertising' signs with the changeable letters): "He prostrated himself at Jesus feet, and he was made a Samaritan." I forgive them the lack of apostrophe because that particular church holds baptisms for family pets on the front lawn one day in the summer, and I'm willing to overlook a lot for that. :D Also, 'apostrophe' is the only word beginning with 'apo-' that I know of that *isn't* Biblically-related, which is interesting and makes me want to go look up the etymology because I bet it IS, really. In which case, please don't leave it out of your scripture quotes! Seriously, people. lol.
I'm enjoying a lovely cup of hot chocolate and then I'm forcing myself to bed, because I have to be up reaaaaalllllly eaarrrrrly. We're very busy and also short-handed at work so they offered overtime. Previously, any such had been limited to two hours because up to two hours you get straight pay; anything more than two strays into *actual* overtime and is thus supposed to be time and a half. I guess we'll see, because the scheduling dept. sent out the offer mentioning that we could stay as late as 9 p.m. (when I work until anyway) or come in as early as 8 a.m. for the next two days. I offered to come in at 8 both days, and surprisingly enough, got it. So I doubt I'll even look at my flist tomorrow night, and might not even get as far as my email on Friday night! I just hope that it doesn't send me skittering too far into a new tax bracket so as to make it useless to have done. Some extra money would be verra good.
What else? I never did get a call from that place where I submitted my resume. I did get a call from the other one; we talked this morning and it would be very much a lateral move both in duties and salary with not much mobility, so I said thank you for your time but I'm not interested after all. It kind of made me feel better just to be invited to interview, though. :-)
The timing would've been horrible since my next medical appointment's in a couple of weeks. I got a reminder notice with all the details in the mail yesterday, which is awesome, actually, because I was looking at the directions that I wrote down when they called me to tell me when it was and I realised that I had no fucking clue where that was. *facepalm* It's just an acronym for part of the main hospital, which I'd know if I'd lived here a lot longer, but I've not had to go to the hospital here even to visit anyone. I'm extra glad that they sent the letter because I'd also forgotten to put in to get the day off work, and it's scheduled for the middle of the afternoon in downtown Halifax so there's no way to really work around it; I won't be finished in time enough to make it back out to redneckville to work a latter-half half day. :P
And regarding the comments to my wee story about my cousin: &hearts and *smooches* to y'all. And yeah, any picture of me from about two and a half on is pretty much instantly recognisable. It's kind of hilarious. I was sixteen, I think, when I randomly ran into my best friend in pre-school and she knew who I was, lol. Fortunately she had a *name* I would never forget even if she didn't look at all the same: Jennifer Juniper. Yeah, seriously. Hee!