First off:
missalee!!! I got it!!! :D :D I'll check it on the weekend and let you know if I need any help. Thank you! ♥
Er, so, they did not start painting last night after all; they started tonight. An hour *before* we got off work. Which means I'm now a little dizzy, nauseated, my skull is throbbing, and I'm sporting the abused junkie look despite full eye makeup. (Too bad that last doesn't also come with automatic weight loss. :P) I am also, however, an idiot. It seems that at no time did I actually mention to my new-ish manager that I'm allergic. *facepalm* I popped off an email to her with a formal complaint because they had assured me and some others a good two years ago when the small training room was being painted that painting would not happen during working hours again. Except, clearly, it did tonight. Which L knew was going to happen but didn't know I had problems with it. *rueful smile* Anyway, so she came over to my desk all concerned and said that she'll find me somewhere else to sit tomorrow if necessary. There are 3 new offices scattered throughout our area of the building so getting truly away from it is damn near impossible, but it will definitely, definitely help, maybe even enough so I can stay the whole day.
The hilariously stupid thing about all this is, I thought I *had* told her, and I guess that I didn't ultimately because I find her kind of intimidating. Or unapproachable might be a better description. She's very nice, and she seems to loosen up and laugh more in team meetings, but she's generally fairly earnest and focused, a little bit formal, and mostly hands-off i.e., expecting us to decide amongst ourselves what needs to be done like adults (which we mostly do), and away from her desk a lot too, and I don't really feel comfortable approaching her. And the more I tried to pinpoint exactly why I don't feel wholly comfortable with her, the more I realised that hey, that's MY management style. It suddenly makes SENSE to me in a way it never did before why I can be perceived as intimidating. This kind of amuses the hell out of me. Her immediate concern tonight really only cemented the impression because it's totally what I would do. Which makes me feel strangely better about the whole situation, and makes her less intimidating as well, which is a good thing.
To change the subject completely, wtf is a Superking bed??? Does the UK not do queen size beds? 'Cause the duvets seem to go single - double - king - superking. And I am now confused as to what the hell those sizes are and how they correspond to North American sizing. I understand the paper thing (and think the rest of the world has the better idea with the A4 to tell the truth) but I don't know this one, lol. *wonders if she should even bother trying to bring her rainbow cover*