Aug 13, 2007 23:31
Today was, in a word, crap. I was going to say that I can't necessarily point at any one reason why, but there IS one I can name: there's something very wrong with my car. Specifically, with the brakes, or possibly just the pedal and some other weirdness. I kind of hope it *is* the brakes because they should still be under warranty; I only replaced the fucking things last fall. Anyway, I'll be taking it in on Wednesday morning and driving like it's the middle of a raging blizzard in the meantime. :-/ (Note: I am still stopping, so nobody freak out. I just have to stomp on the pedal to get it to engage. Which I can do no problem, it's just so not right that I should have to.)
As for why Wednesday, well, the mother leaves tomorrow morning to spend the next week and a bit in Newfoundland with her mom and sisters, so once she's gone, I can use her car freely - but she kinda needs to get to the airport first. I was originally asked if I wanted to go on this female bonding trip and I think my first answer was a facial expression that is better suited to a teenage girl, heh. Followed by a slightly more polite, "No way but thanks for asking." Dude. I love these women but spending ten days living with ALL OF THEM AT THE SAME TIME??? Hell no!
There was more, but I'm cranky. And liable to remain cranky for a long while if these repairs end up costing me a fortune. *grumps*