Chivalry is, apparently, not quite dead. I was in the mall the other day and headed for the washroom, and there was a little boy waiting outside, I'd guess 8-10 yo - just this side of too old to go in with his mom - with a head full of brilliant carrot red hair cut too short across his forehead and a generous dusting of freckles. I couldn't figure out why he was tilting his head and peering at me at first, but when I got close enough for him to decide that yes, I *was* going to be going inside the washroom and not passing by, he pushed the wheelchair access button to make the door open. Awwwwww it was the cutest damn thing! :D He very solemnly accepted my "thank you." ♥
So, my "summer" vacation. I use the quotation marks because it is next month, and May in neither Canada nor New England qualifies as summery, lol. However, exactly one month from today (eep!) I shall have my up-against-the-barrier cherry popped at the Muse/My Chemical Romance concert in Maine with
jetblackmirror and
oneandonlytrey, for which I got my ticket in the mail yesterday! *grins* I'm not normally a mosh pitter; I am short, round, four-eyed and, well, slightly claustrophobic. Also I've not actually had the chance for a large show; GD was the first stadium-size show I'd ever been to where the floors were GA and not seats. Not that anyone usually SITS in the floor seats, lol, but there are actual chairs with assigned numbers and all that, so it doesn't get quite so crazy. And it's different in small venues, like the campus room where I saw the Dropkick Murphys last fall - it wouldn't have held more than a thousand people and it wasn't full. Even near the front, there was room, y'know? So wish me luck! I was gonna save myself for Green Day ;) but I'd rather know before then, b/c if it turns out that I can't handle it, I'll be very disappointed for this concert, but not heartbroken like I would be at missing even part of my boys. So I'm counting on you guys to...hmm. Make it good for me? I don't think 'be gentle with me' is gonna work, LOL.
Okay, and then *after* all that, I'm heading down into Mass to spend the rest of the week with
mockingbird39, and some time with
leighrowena too of course! And then I'm going to spend a couple days at my friend's in New Brunswick on the way back. Yay road trip! Even more yay as this will probably be my last big road trip in my car. *gulp* Oh, and I have to stop in NH and shop also, what with the whole no tax thing and all. My coworker says I should go to North Conway, I think it was, because there's an outlet mall or something on a mountain so it's a pretty drive *and* there's good shopping. LOL. I already know I can just stop right off the highway at a liquor store, which entertains me to no end.
What else? Oh, that in-house job I didn't get - the guy who did get it actually has done it before while the current person (it's expanding to two positions) was on parental leave, so I'm totally okay with that. I prolly would've hired him, too. Still annoyed about the bizarro extra interview but eh whatever, it obviously wouldn't have mattered anyway.
I have totally forgotten the rest. Ahaha *pokes swiss cheese that is memory*. I'll post again if I think of it. :D