Joy of joys, they painted half of the cafeteria over the weekend. Not only do I eat in there (obviously), but the doors are about 20 feet from my desk. And they painted the hallway to the side entrance too, which is not much farther away with no doors. The sinus headache has not receded and probably won't for oh, another week or so - and that's provided nothing else gets painted this coming weekend, which is by no means certain. :-/ I need to make sure I get up early cos I'm out of Sudafed and I'm going to need it. S'not improving my mood at all though today was decent otherwise.
Had stuff I wanted to work on tonight but I think I'll just sack out early instead. Prolonged headaches make me tired. I must say that I've been enjoying the comments on
The Ascension of Violent Saints, though. Chapter two was indeed intense but y'all ain't seen nothin' yet. *grins*