General weirdness

Feb 06, 2006 01:16

I had the freakiest dream costarring muffinkath7 and michak. The elevator doorman at Micha's dorm was evil, and he deliberately scared the crap out of Kath by locking her briefly into a janitor's closet with soulsuckers, who couldn't actually touch her b/c she wasn't dead. But she was still quite traumatized, so I punched him and threatened him if he ever did it again. o_O And then we got on the elevator, and went to Micha's floor, which tilted crazily. When we got to the common room (which looked an awful lot like Gryffindor's), we were accosted by some insane sorceress who had us strung up by our arms with fishing wire while she set up for a tea party, and wouldn't believe us when we tried to explain that we didn't actually go to this school so we weren't part of the telepathic student network and thusly could not invite eighteen other people to tea. The fishing wire through the forearms (like, strung under the skin from elbow to wrist) was just starting to feel uncomfortable when I woke up.

Yeah, I don't know either. LOL.

Updated tasjordan and interestingly enough, I actually talked about fanfiction. Which I wasn't sure I was ever going to do; I've been trying very hard to keep everything separate, in case that hadn't been right obvious. And, you know, it's not something I expect or want to talk about extensively there b/c it is, after all, meant as somewhat of a professional vehicle in the hopes that I'll get to be a professional (i.e., paid, lol), but I also think it's stupid and quite shoot-self-in-foot to not acknowledge what I've gotten out of fanfic. It's not like it's difficult to trace that ID back here, and thence to however many stories I have out there, and I'm not ashamed of having written those stories. I'll admit that was something I had to come to terms with when I decided to venture into writing RPS specifically, but I made my peace with it or I would never have posted anything. Which, you know, five completed fic(/let)s and seventeen drabbles later (plus various WIPs), I obviously have. LOL.

Speaking of fannish things, I uploaded this video for the_fink earlier of an older interview with Billie Joe, where he talks about the Rolling Stones. It's very amusing and adorable, and it takes place in some men's room, lol. I think the funniest thing is when this girl walks in, and no one in the curiously crowded room freaks or anything - in fact, Billie asks her for a cigarette! Or maybe it's the cute story about him and Mike singing in the back seat on a drive with his older brother. Hee. The filename says it's an mp3, but it is actually a video. :)

ETA: You know, the whole thinking about fanfic thing was brought on because I talked to J this week (BelevnDreamsToo) and gave her links to my memoried GD stuff. The first words out of her were, "I miss you," followed by, "I miss your writing," and I was like, oh boy. Sorry! I guess I didn't want to say anything before to Ros people (who aren't on LJ, obviously) because...I'm not sure why, exactly. I think it goes back to what I've said before about me being able to basically start from scratch in a new fandom and sink or swim on the strength of whatever writing I post, instead of having all the associations around Tasyfa. And something about having people follow me into a fandom they probably wouldn't have read otherwise is scary, weirdly. Maybe b/c I know there *would* be some who'd be squicked by the idea of RPS. Or maybe just b/c I feel protective of GD fandom and don't want it invaded by non-fans. Or all of that plus more, lol. I guess the thing is that I've posted enough now to have a sense of where I fit in and feel less threatened so I didn't mind sharing the info. It also relates to the fact that I am retardedly loyal and it seems rude to flaunt the fact that I am still writing easily accessible fic but in a different fandom, to people who are still in the other fandom and wish I was still posting *there*. Which, yeah, stupid. lol. But there it is.

slash, dreams, videos, writing, fanfiction

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