Yes, that's right, dear readers. Today is my birthday!
Or is it...?
Technically it's probably tomorrow here in the central time zone. It all depends on your perspective. I was born at 11:45pm Pacific time on October 9th ( じゅがつ ここのか じゅいちじ ごご さんじゅごふん ) , so really, that means, October 10th, or じゅがつ とうか for you japanese readers.
OK OK, enough with the japanese. I've only taken a few classes in it, it's not like I'm some expert.
But it's a fun language and I highly recommend it.
In other news, things with Shannon are going well! And when I say "going well" I mean she cleans for me, helps me cook things she doesn't eat, organizes my apartment, and is taking me to a fancy hotel and restaurant in milwaukee this weekend. She's not the best person at navigating a maze map but she is good at
taunting the competition at a maze.
Today, to no one's surprise, I am wearing an expensive shirt from Jazzman. In some ways, moving to state street was the worst decision of my life, because no matter how much I think I am fiscally responsible, there is always a cool shirt at jazzman or yummy shaving cream at soap opera to tempt me.
Many of you have been wondering how my cats are. They are doing well! Chopper, after his tooth extraction, is super energetic and mischievous, like the chopper you all know and love. He once again makes ridiculous noises and tries to join in on private moments between consenting adults at all hours of the night and day. Audrey is better too, but it's less noticeable since her idea of normal is sleeping 23.5 hours a day and eating 0.5 hours a day (but, trust me, she can eat a lot in those 30 minutes!). Her belly fur is slowly growing back.
Miraculously, I have had no bike mishaps for a while. I have definitely made myself look like a klutz on numerous occasions, mostly revolving around being unable to stay upright when stopped once in a while. I also have some sort of mortal enemy in a particular bus driver who always honks at me on the square as if I don't have a right to be in the lane designated as for right turns, buses, and bicycles only. He's probably one of the tools who rides the wrong way on a one-way street on his bike.
Time to go to work and proclaim myself king of the department for a day.